Contact: Scott Boyle, Associate Director, Recruitment & Formation
In the past 17 years, Echo has harnessed the world-class education of the University of Notre Dame and developed a model that is unique in its training and preparation, giving its students the opportunity to grow in holiness while serving the Church. Our students have gone on to diverse careers within the Church, some serving now at very high levels of Church leadership and academia within the United States.
Through the Echo program, college graduates and young adults have the opportunity to serve in a parish or school in one of the Echo partner dioceses located throughout the United States while earning a Master of Arts in Theology at the University of Notre Dame. Echo students benefit from a robust formation program that integrates their work, study and life of faith to serve the Church and explore a career in ministry. Students live, learn from and serve the catechetical mission of the Church.
Echo offers all of the following (and more):
a competitive stipend for on-site parish or school service
a tuition-free graduate degree in theology (2 year MA)
housing and utilities at no cost
an educational allowance each summer
full meal plan and rent-free housing during summers at Notre Dame
Students are not required to have a background in formal academic theology, although those students make excellent candidates. Students who have been engaged in theological education, pastoral and retreat ministry, etc make excellent candidates.