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Emotional Wellness

Eight Dimensions of Wellness









Find mentors for emotional wellbeing

Be sure to check out these departments as you seek to deepen your emotional wellbeing


Mental Health Professionals

Meet the CAPS staff (Counseling and Psychological Services) from the Cowell Health and Counseling Services Center who support students in emotional wellbeing. To make an appointment with anyone on the CAPS staff, please schedule through the "Make an appointment" button below.

Resources to support your emotional wellbeing

Emotional Wellness 

involves understanding one’s self and adequately facing the challenges life brings. Being willing to get help when we need it is a large component of emotional wellness, and it inspires a path to self-care, relaxation, stress reduction, and the development of inner strength.

Attributes that distinguish emotional wellness

  • Intimacy 
  • Independence 
  • Interdependence 
  • Expression of emotions 
  • Stress management
  • Positive attitude and outlook on life 
  • Coping and communication skills 
  • Assertiveness and healthy boundaries 
  • Artistic expression


The Office for Multicultural Learning (OML) is committed to promoting social justice, building bridges across diverse communities, and celebrating students' differences at Santa Clara University. In addition, we advocate for historically underrepresented populations and educate the whole person within the context of Jesuit values.  For more information on emotional wellness events, please visit their OML webpage.

The Cowell Center provides a full range of medical and psychological services. Medical services include primary and specialty care, health promotion, and disease prevention. Psychological Services include psychiatry, medication management, individual therapy, group therapy, and case management. Registrations for the fall programs are happening now - October 12, or October 29. Visit the event calendar and search CHC to see the details for Understanding Yourself and Others, Tools for Anxiety, Body Positive, and more. For more information on their emotional wellness workshops, programs, and events, please visit the Cowell Center webpage.

Reflect on your emotional self-care

Reflection questions

The reflection questions provided are based on the five steps of the Ignatian Examen: Give Thanks, Review, Reflect, Resolve, and Look Ahead.

1. Give Thanks

  • Who are my go-to people when I need to lean on someone for support?
  • Am I aware of times that I have been resilient?
  • Do I find a purpose or joy in what I choose to do with my time?
  • Have I given myself credit for everything that I’ve accomplished?

2. Review

  • Am I aware of my emotions/feelings?
  • What are my most common emotions?
  • How do I react when I am happy? angry? anxious?
  • When I am upset with myself, would I treat others the way I am treating myself?
  • When do I feel stressed?

3. Reflect

  • Do I express my feelings to trusted people?
  • How do I let others know that I am in need of support?
  • Do I use relaxation or mindfulness techniques when I am feeling stressed?
  • Do I forgive myself if I make a mistake?
  • Do I find myself comparing my life to those I follow on social media?

4. Resolve

  • Are there ways that I could better express certain feelings?
  • Who are people that I can spend time with who reflect a healthy and positive sense of self?
  • Can I take a break from social media?

5. Look Ahead

  • What self-care practices can I foster to improve my mental health?
  • Would I see a therapist or counselor if I felt like I needed to?
  • What coping strategies work best for me?
  • How can I learn to be patient with myself?

Additional journal prompts

Please take a few moments to journal your responses to these prompts and questions. 

  • Do I find things that make me smile or laugh?
  • Am I connected with people who I am able to share my feelings, good and bad, with?
  • Do I go to CAPS or see a therapist when I need to?
  • Have I complimented myself recently?
  • Do I have an activity that is purely for self-care and fills up my emotional bucket?
  • Have I taken a deep breath today?

Would you like to understand your wellness baseline: areas of strength and growth?  It is helpful at the beginning of each academic year to check your wellness baseline and identify areas of challenge and growth.  It is a great way to stay proactive and set goals that lead to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. If you would like to make an appointment with the Cowell Center “Unique 4 You” Coaching and Support, we can help you identify your wellness baseline, any goals you may have, and campus programming that can support you this year.

Wellness Satisfaction Wheel Click Here

Directions:  The eight dimensions in the Wellness Satisfaction Wheel are one way of representing a whole life.  Use this wheel to understand your wellness baseline.  Replicate the wheel above on a piece of paper, then mark a dot in each segment that relates to your current level of wellness satisfaction for each segment.  Then connect the dots by drawing a line to create a new outer edge.  The new perimeter of the circle represents where you are in different areas of your life now. Next, around each segment in the box, e.g. emotional health, note down three bullet points how everything would be if you were at a 10. Find programming and events to support your wellness satisfaction.  We frequently use this wheel during “Unique 4 You” 1:1 Coaching and Support.  To book a free coaching appointment contact the Cowell Center.

Connect with others about emotional resilience

Regular opportunities to foster emotional wellness

Please see below how CAPS has adjusted to address the emotional wellness needs of Santa Clara University students

  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy delivered by psychologists
    • "Understanding Yourself and Others" (begins Week 3)
  • Workshops delivered by psychologists
    • "Anxiety Workshop"
  • Support Groups delivered by peers or staff (begins week 2)
    • Body Positive
    • GreenTea Chats
    • LegalTea Chats
  • Training
    • QPR: Question, Persuade, and Refer
    • It's Real
    • Empathy Informed Mediation
  • Outreach
    • Community Well-being Support: customized training
    • Cowell Student Ambassadors
    • Warm line services
    • Programs
      • "Unique 4 You": 1-to-1 Coaching and Support
      • SCU Bootcamp: MY SELF CARE (begins week 3)
  • Sunday (4 PM PDT) in person Mass - you must pre-register each week. Contact Campus Ministry Director, Fr. Dennis Smolarski, SJ, with questions. 
  • Sunday Evening (7 PM PDT) Prayer and Praise evening service - find the link in the Get Connected event calendar and contact Professor Paul Schutz with questions.
  • Visit the Mindfulness page for resources, and visit @scuspirit each day at 9 AM for live offerings
  • Conversations with Campus Ministers
  • Hospitality Hours in the RLCs
  • Praise and Worship Music

Social Accounts to Follow 

Habits and practices to foster emotional health
Take Action
Students performing music on stage with
Person reading a book outdoors with the word
Two people with
A silhouetted hand holding a dandelion against a sunset, with
Heart drawn on sand background with
A group of people putting their hands together with the word
Podcast recording equipment with the word

We would love to continue improving our Wellness Model pages. Please share with us your feedback, or comments as well as any articles, podcast, etc. that help you be well. Please make sure you are logged into your SCU gmail account to view this google form. If you have any other comments you can also email #BeWellBroncos