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Artist Stephanie Metz stands in her studio examining a felt shape while the room is filled with felt and wool creations.Image link to full article
You Can Touch the Art!?

Bay Area artist Stephanie Metz is preparing for a solo exhibition at the de Saisset Museum. In this interview, learn about the new artworks being created for this exciting, interactive exhibition. [Published August 29, 2018]

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Collections News
Portrait of Lola Pacheco by Barbieri

A painting from the de Saisset Museum’s permanent collection was recently on view at the Laguna Art Museum as part of an exhibition exploring the evolution of California from a Mexican territory to an American state. [Published May 4, 2018]

Engage with Exhibitions
Two black and white prints. On left the print shows a architectural feature with columns and roof, there are white abstracted figures placed as if floating vertically through the space. On right, print depicts a tall tower in an abstracted landscape.

Printmaker, painter, and sculptor Michael Mazur explored Dante’s Inferno for over forty years through a series of projects that enabled him to both expand and refine his interpretation of the classic text. His culminating series of forty-one etchings is currently on view at the de Saisset Museum. [Published May 8, 2018]

Installation image showing a painting and two photographs on gallery wall.

(Re)Writing the Narrative is on view through December 1, 2017. Please join us on the evening of Thursday, November 9, 2017 for an artist talk by Ana Teresa Fernández’s in the museum's auditorium. For more details about the exhibition and related programming please visit the exhibition page. [Published October 17, 2017]

"Art &" Conversations
Image of drill connecting with metal tube and causing sparks

SCU Senior Micah Thomas was interviewed to discuss his experience studying both Mechanical Engineering and Studio Art at Santa Clara University. [Published November 8, 2017]

California-based artist Tony May, who is represented within the de Saisset Museum’s permanent collection, is known for works of public art, interactive sculptures, constructions of various scales and materials, paintings, and other artistic explorations. In November he will offer a discussion at the museum of how he problem solves in his art-making practice as art and engineering come together. [Published October 30, 2017]

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