Cary Watson is a Bay Area native and a CPSY program alum, getting her MA in Counseling Psych, MFT track, in 1998. Before coming to SCU, she received an A.B. in psychology from Duke University and spent a year in the clinical psychology graduate program at Vanderbilt. After SCU, she received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Stanford University, and completed her clinical hours at EMQ and in Kaiser Permanente’s Psychiatry department. She is currently a licensed clinical psychologist with a small private practice. Watson teaches the 318/319/328 Clinical Assessment series in the CPSY program, as well as an elective in School-Based Mental Health. Her scholarly interests are in the areas of autism and special needs parenting.
In addition to her work as a psychologist, she stays busy caring for her two children, Jack and Abby. In her free time, she enjoys good food (cooking and eating), great wines, gardening, reading, and long hikes.