On campus Residential Learning Communities (RLCs) and academic buildings have fire alarm systems consisting of manual pull stations. These buildings are equipped with automatic fire detection and alarm systems which are connected to a third party fire alarm monitoring system that is staffed 24 hours a day year round.
Fire drills are conducted twice a year in all residence halls and are documented per the Clery Act in the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report. The first drill is scheduled in the fall semester and the second drill is conducted during the spring semester.
Per the the Student Conduct Code, Tampering with, removing, damaging, or destroying fire extinguishers, fire alarm boxes, smoke or heat detectors, emergency call boxes, and other safety equipment anywhere on University property; creating a fire, safety, or health hazard; or failure to respond to fire alarms, evacuate buildings during alarm activation, or respond to the directions of emergency personnel may subject students to disciplinary action.
Locate fire alarm pull stations and fire extinguishers near your place of work or study.
Identify your escape routes should you need to evacuate your place of work or study. Also identify your Emergency Assembly Points.
Examine your place of work or study for potential fire hazards (extension cords, flammable materials and chemicals, etc.)
If you find a fire:
Remove persons in immediate danger. Do not use elevators.
Activate alarms by pulling a fire station, and dialing 911.
Close doors and windows if possible.
Extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher if possible and you are comfortable doing so.
If you hear a fire alarm:
Evacuate the building immediately. Do not use elevators.
Convene at the designated Emergency Assembly Points.
Attempt to account for everyone who was in the building.
Understand that it may take the fire department and the fire marshal some time to clear a building and determine the exact cause of the fire.
Do not re-enter the building until cleared to do so by the fire department or Campus Safety.
Dispose of damaged supplies and equipment.
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