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Syllabus Requirements

Here you will find a cumulation of the required text that should be included on your syllabi. Please click each specific policy below for the required text.

Academic Integrity Statement
Fall 2019

The recommended statement is boxed.  Suggestions for additional content are discussed below and are at the discretion of the instructor.

Academic Integrity

The Academic Integrity pledge is an expression of the University’s commitment to fostering an understanding of -- and commitment to -- a culture of integrity at Santa Clara University. The Academic Integrity pledge, which applies to all students, states:

I am committed to being a person of integrity. I pledge, as a member of the Santa Clara University community, to abide by and uphold the standards of academic integrity contained in the Student Conduct Code.

Students are expected to uphold the principles of this pledge for all work in this class. For more information about Santa Clara University’s academic integrity pledge and resources about ensuring academic integrity in your work, see

A note related to academic integrity: Faculty are encouraged to include additional information on academic integrity specific to the class. This might include specifying what constitutes plagiarism, what is acceptable collaboration on assignments, and when students will be asked to affirm or sign the Academic Integrity Pledge (e.g. tests, essays, etc.), or including a version of the pledge signed by the professor in the syllabus. Additional suggestions for promoting Academic Integrity in the classroom are available in the Faculty section of SCU's Academic Integrity website:

Office of Accessible Education Statement
Fall 2019

The recommended statement is boxed. 

Office of Accessible Education (formerly Disabilities Resources)

 If you have a documented disability for which accommodations may be required in this class, please contact the Office of Accessible Education (Benson 1,, 408-554-4109) as soon as possible to discuss your needs and register for accommodations with the University. If you have already arranged accommodations through OAE, please discuss them with me during my office hours within the first two weeks of class.

 To ensure fairness and consistency, individual faculty members are required to receive verification from the Office of Accessible Education before providing accommodations. OAE will work with students and faculty to arrange proctored exams for students whose accommodations include double time for exams and/or assistive technology. Students with approved accommodations of time-and-a-half should talk with me as soon as possible. The Office of Accessible Education must be contacted in advance (at least two-weeks notice recommended) to schedule proctored examinations or to arrange other accommodations.

Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) Statement
Fall 2019

The recommended statement is boxed. 

Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct (Title IX)

Santa Clara University upholds a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct. If you (or someone you know) have experienced discrimination or harassment, including sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking, I encourage you to tell someone promptly. For more information, please consult the University’s Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy or contact the University's EEO and Title IX Coordinator, Belinda Guthrie, at 408-554-3043, Reports may be submitted online through the Office of Student Life or anonymously through EthicsPoint .

Accommodations for Pregnant and Parenting Students Statement
Fall 2019 

The recommended statement is boxed. 

Accommodations for Pregnant and Parenting Students

In alignment with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and with the California Education Code, Section 66281.7, Santa Clara University provides reasonable accommodations to students who are pregnant, have recently experienced childbirth, and/or have medical needs related to childbirth. Pregnant and parenting students can often arrange accommodations by working directly with their instructors, supervisors, or departments. In addition, the Office of Accessible Education will provide reasonable accommodations for pregnancy‐related impairments which impact a major life activity.

In-Class Recordings Statement
Fall 2019

The recommended statement is boxed. 

In-Class Recordings

The Student Conduct Code (p. 13) prohibits students from “making a video recording, audio recording, or streaming audio/video of private, non-public conversations and/or meetings, inclusive of the classroom setting, without the knowledge and consent of all recorded parties,” except in cases of approved disability accommodations. The Student Conduct Code also prohibits the “falsification or misuse, including non-authentic, altered, or fraudulent misuse, of University records, permits, documents, communication equipment, or identification cards and government-issued documents.” Dissemination or sharing of any classroom recording without the permission of the instructor would be considered “misuse” and, therefore, prohibited. Violations of these policies may result in disciplinary action by the University. At the instructor’s discretion, violations may also have an adverse effect on the student’s grade.

Classroom Engagement in Emergency Response Planning
Fall 2019

The recommended statement is boxed (either for inclusion on the syllabus or to be read to the class). 

Classroom Engagement in Emergency Response Planning

Campus Safety Services invites faculty to read the following statement relating to fire alarms, earthquakes, building evacuations, and safety.

  1. A fire alarm activation means leave the building immediately.
  2. During an Earthquake, “Drop, Cover and Hold On.”  Once the shaking stops look around to make sure it is safe to leave the building.
  3. Look at the Fire Evacuation Maps posted in the building so that you can understand what your evacuation options are to exit the building (if you have a Fire Evacuation Map in the classroom, point to it).
  4. Leave the building in an orderly fashion.  Please take only your phone and car keys. All other items should be left behind.
  5. If individuals need assistance to leave the building, please help them get to the assembly area if you do not know where your building assembly area is located move 300 feet away from the building in a safe direction.
  6. Once outside, move to the assembly area, stay at the assembly area and wait until Campus Safety Services advises you to move to another location or releases you to return to your building.
  7. Your cooperation is necessary to provide an orderly and safe exit for our guests, students, faculty and staff if an emergency were to occur.

Additional information – Before the first day of class, the professor should:

  1. Identify your building’s emergency assembly area and the shortest route between your class and the assigned assembly area.
  2. Seek information from Campus Safety - Emergency Management (Don Mattei, Emergency Manager 408-554-4749, if you have any questions about the University's emergency rules and resources.