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Moles, Katia


Dr. Katia Moles is a social ethicist trained at the Graduate Theological Union and UC Berkeley. As a teacher-scholar at SCU, Moles' courses include Ethics in Technology and Tech for the Common Good. Previously, Moles has enjoyed teaching on themes that bring together her interdisciplinary work in tech ethics that benefits from her training in sociology and religion. Before coming to SCU, Moles teaching was recognized by UC Berkeley, Graduate Theological Union, and Florida International University for teaching excellence in justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion work. At SCU, DEI continues to animate Moles’ research that engages with themes including the intersection of inequalities and tech ethics, particularly issues of inclusion that impact traditionally underrepresented groups. No matter the theme, as a teacher-scholar, Moles’ scholarship is animated by Ignatian Pedagogies for which she has enjoyed collaborating on pedagogical initiatives with the Bannan Center, as well as being selected for the Newhall Award, NUUS Dissertation Fellowship, and the Lebacqz Award among others. Moles’ work has appeared in journals including Teaching Theology and Religion; the American Behavioral Scientist, and the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion where her article “A Culture of Flourishing” was chosen for its New Scholar Award.


Graduate Theological Union and UC Berkeley
Katia Moles Picture

Adjunct Lecturer, Department of General Engineering
