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Papers in Refereed Journals

  1. Wilson, D., R. Bates, S. Painter, J. Schaffer, E. P. Scott, 2015, “Differences in Self-Efficacy among Women and Minorities in STEM,” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Volume 21, No. 1, pp. 27-45.
  2. Allendoerfer, C., D. Wilson, J. Crawford, D. Jones, T. Floyd-Smith, M. Plett, E. Scott, N. Veilleux, and R. Bates, 2012, "Strategic Pathways for Success: The Influence of Outside Community on Academic Engagement", Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.101(3), pp.512-538.
  3. Oleg M. Alifanov, O. M., J.-P. Bardon, B. Blackwell, K. D. Cole, F. DeMonte, K. D. Dolan, K. J. Dowding, A. Haji-Sheikh, N. R. Keltner, R. L. McMasters IV, W.J. Minkowycz, A. Nenarokomov, E. P. Scott, K. A. Woodbury, N. T. Wright, 2010, “Professor James V. Beck on his 80th Birthday,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 53, pp. 2581–2582
  4. Scott, E. P., M. Tilahun, B. Vick, 2009, “The Question of Thermal Waves in Heterogeneous and Biological Materials,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 131, Issue 7, 074518 (6 pages)
  5. Robinson, P. S., E. P. Scott, and T. E. Diller, 2008, “Testing of a Noninvasive Probe for Measurement of Blood Perfusion,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Volume 2, March, Paper No. 011001, p. 1-5.
  6. Ricketts, P. L., Mudaliar, A. V., Ellis, B. E., Pullins, C. A., Meyers, L. A., Lanz, O. I., Scott, E. P., and Diller, T. E., 2008, “Non-Invasive Blood Perfusion Measurements Using a Combined Temperature and Heat Flux Probe,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 51, pp. 5740-5748.
  7. Mudaliar, A. V., Ellis, B. E., Ricketts, P. L., Lanz, O. I., Lee, C. Y., Diller, T. E., and Scott, E. P., 2008, “Non-invasive Blood Perfusion Measurements of an Isolated Rat Liver and Anesthetized Rat Kidney,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, December, Volume 130, Issue 6, Paper No. 061013 (8 pages).
  8. Mudaliar, A. V., O. I. Lanz, E. P. Scott, and T. E. Diller, 2008, “A Phantom Tissue System for the Calibration of Perfusion Measurements,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 130, Issue 5 (October), 051002-1 – 051002-10.
  9. Mital, M. and E. P. Scott, 2008, “Thermal Design Methodology for an Embedded Power Electronic Module using Double-sided Micro-channel Cooling,” ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, September 2008, Volume 130, Issue 3, 031003-1 – 031003-11.
  10. Charboneau, B. C., F. Wang, J. D. van Wyk, D. Boroyevich, Z. Liang, E. P. Scott, C. W. Tipton, 2008, “Double-Sided Liquid Cooling for Power Semiconductor Devices Using Embedded Power Packaging,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Volume 44, Issue 5, Sept.-Oct., pp. 1645 – 1655.
  11. Mital, M., Y. F. Pang, and E. P. Scott, 2008, “Evaluation of Thermal Resistance Matrix Method for an Embedded Power Electronic Module,” IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Volume 31, No. 2, June, pp.382-387.
  12. Pang, Y. F., E. P. Scott, J. D. van Wyk, and Z. Liang, 2007, “Assessment of Some Integrated Cooling Mechanisms for an Active Integrated Power Electronics Module,” ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Volume 129, Issue 1 (March), pp. 1-8.
  13. Mital, M., and E. P. Scott, 2007, “Thermal Detection of Embedded Tumors using an Infra-red Imaging Technique,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Volume 129, Issue 1 (February), pp. 33-39.
  14. Loulou, T., and E. P. Scott, 2006, “An inverse heat conduction problem with heat flux measurements,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 67, No. 11, pp. 1587-1616.
  15. Gayzik, F. S., T. Loulou, E. P. Scott, 2006, “Experimental Validation of an Inverse Heat Transfer Algorithm for Optimizing Hyperthermia Treatments,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. Volume 128, pp. 505-515.
  16. Dukhan, N., P. D. Quinones-Ramos, E. Cruz-Ruiz, M. Velez-Reyes, E. P. Scott, 2005, “One- dimensional heat transfer analysis in open-cell,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, pp. 5112–5120.
  17. Pang, Y. F., E. P. Scott, J. Z. Chen, and K. A. Thole, 2005, “Thermal Design and Optimization Methodology for Integrated Power Electronics Modules,” ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 127, Issue 1, March, pp. 59-66.
  18. Hernández-Mora, M., J. E. González, M. Vélez-Reyes, J. M. Ortiz-Rodríquez, Y. Pang, and E. Scott, 2004, “Dynamic Reduced Electrothermal Model for Integrated Power Electronics Modules (IPEM),” ASME Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol. 126, December, pp. 477-490.
  19. Liang, Z., J. D. van Wyk, F. C. Lee, D. Boroyevich, E. P. Scott, J. Chen, Y. F. Pang, 2003, “Integrated Packaging of a 1kW Switching Module Using a Novel Planar Integration Technology", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 19, No. 1, January, pp. 242-250.
  20. Loulou, T., and E. P. Scott, 2003, “Estimation of 3-dimensional heat flux from surface temperature measurements using iterative regularization,” Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 39, N° 5-6, pp 435-443.
  21. Loulou T. and Scott, E.P., 2002, “Thermal Dose Optimization in Hyperthermia Treatments by Using the Conjugate Gradient Method,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol 42, N° 7, pp. 661-683.
  22. Payne A., M. Mattingly, J. Shelkey, E. P. Scott, and R. Roemer, 2001, “A Dynamic Two-dimensional Phantom for Ultrasound Hyperthermia Controller Testing,” International Journal of Hyperthermia, Vol. 17, No. 2, 143-159.
  23. Hanuska, A., E. P. Scott, K. Daryabeigi, 2000, “Thermal Characterization of Aerospace Structures,” A.I.A.A. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 322-329.
  24. Walker, D. G., E. P. Scott, and Robert J. Nowak, 2000, “Estimation Methods for Two-Dimensional Conduction Effects of Shock-Shock Heat Fluxes,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 523-539.
  25. Walker, D. G., and E. P. Scott,1998, “Evaluation of Estimation Methods for High Unsteady Heat Fluxes from Surface Measurements,” AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 543- 551.
  26. Scott, E. P., P. Robertson, and T. E. Diller,1998, “Development of Methodologies for the Estimation of Blood Perfusion using a Minimally Invasive Thermal Probe,” (Invited paper) Measurement Science & Technology, Special Edition, Vol. 9, pp. 888-897.
  27. Copenhaver, D. C., E. P. Scott, A. Hanuska, 1998, “Thermal Characterization of Honeycomb Core Sandwich Structures,” AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 35, No. 4, 1998, pp. 539-545. 
  28. Garcia, S., and E. P. Scott,1998, “Use of Genetic Algorithms in Thermal Property Estimation: Part I-Experimental Design Optimization,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol., 33, No. 2, pp. 135-147.
  29. Garcia, S., J. Guynn, and E. P. Scott,1998, “Use of Genetic Algorithms in Thermal Property Estimation: Part II-Simultaneous Estimation of Thermal Properties,” Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol., 33, No. 2, pp. 149-168.
  30. Haftka, R. T., E. P. Scott, J. Cruz,1998, “Optimization and Experiments: A Survey,” Applied Mechanical Reviews, Vol. 51, No. 7, pp. 435-448.
  31. Saad, Z., and E. P. Scott,1997, “Analysis of Accuracy in the Numerical Simulation of the Freezing Process in Food Materials,” Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 95-111.
  32. Saad, Z., and E. P. Scott,1996, “Estimation of temperature dependent thermal properties of basic food solutions during freezing,” Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-19.
  33. Marand, E., E. P. Scott, M. Jackson, and K. Plunkett,1995, “Alternative Applications and Examples in Undergraduate Thermodynamics,” Chemical Engineering Education, Chemical Engineering Division of the ASEE, August, pg. 150-157.
  34. Scott, E.P., 1994, “An analytical solution and sensitivity study of sublimation-dehydration within a porous medium with volumetric heating,” Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 116, No. 3, pp. 686-693.
  35. Taktak, R., J. V. Beck, and E. P. Scott, 1993, “Optimal experimental designs for estimating thermal properties of composite materials,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 36, No. 12, pp. 2977-2986.
  36. Chen, S.-D., R. Y. Ofoli, E. P. Scott, and J. Asmussen,1993, “Volatile retention in microwave freeze-dried model foods,” Journal of Food Science, Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 1157-1161.
  37. Scott, E.P., and Z. Saad,1993, “Estimation of Kinetic Parameters Associated with the Curing of Thermoset Resins: Part I - Theoretical Investigation,” Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 33, No. 18, pp. 1157-1164.
  38. Scott, E. P., and Z. Saad, 1993, “Estimation of Kinetic Parameters Associated with the Curing of Thermoset Resins: Part II - Experimental Results,” Polymer Engineering and Science, Vol. 33, No. 18, pp. 1165-1170.
  39. Scott, E. P., J. V. Beck, and D. R. Heldman,1992, “Estimation of time variable heat transfer coefficients in frozen foods during storage,” Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 99-121.
  40. Scott, E. P., J. V. Beck, 1992, “Estimation of thermal properties in carbon/epoxy composite materials during curing,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 20-36.
  41. Scott, E. P., J. V. Beck, 1992, “Estimation of thermal properties in carbon/epoxy composite materials,” Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 132-149.
  42. Scott, E. P., and D. R. Heldman, 1990, “Simulation of temperature dependent quality deterioration in frozen foods during storage,” Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 43-65.
  43. Scott, E. P., and J. V. Beck, 1989, “Analysis of order in the sequential regularization solution of the inverse heat conduction problem,” Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 218-224.
  44. Rumsey, T. R., T. Fortes, T. T. Conant, E. P. Scott, L. Peterson, and W. W. Rose, 1984, “Energy use in tomato paste evaporation,” Journal of Food Process Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 111-121.
  45. Rumsey, T. R., E. P. Scott, and P. A. Carroad, 1982, “Energy consumption in water blanching,” Journal of Food Science, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 295-298.
  46. Scott, E.P., T. R. Rumsey, P. A. Carroad, J. Buhlert, J. Horn, and W. W. Rose, 1981, “Energy consumption in steam blanchers,” Journal of Food Process Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 77-88.


  1. Potter, M. and Scott, E.P., 2003, Thermal Sciences: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer – First Edition. Brooks/Cole.

Book Chapters

  1. Scott, E.P., 2018, “Inverse Heat Transfer for Biomedical Applications,” in Theory and Applications of Heat Transfer in Humans, D. Shrivastava, Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, West Sussex.

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings (* indicates student)

  1. Wasilewski, C.H., Plett, M.I., Wilson, D., Bates, R., Scott, E., 2014, “The Relationship between Informal Faculty Interactions and Students’ Engagement in STEM Careers.” Paper presented at the meeting of The Clute Institute Education Conference, San Francisco, CA, August, 2014.
  2. Scott, E., and Azevedo, H., 2012, “Lessons Learned from a Program to Encourage and Enable Transfer Students to Complete their Engineering Degrees,” 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, Paper No. AC 2012-4939.
  3. Scott, E., R. Bates, and D. Wilson, H., 2012, “Integrating Professional Development Modules in the Engineering Curriculum,” 2012 Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, Paper No. AC 2012-5006.
  4. M. Plett, Carlson Jones, D., Crawford, J. K., Floyd Smith, T., Peter, D., Scott, E. P., Wilson, D., Bates, R. A., and Veilleux, N. M., 2011, “STEM Seniors: Strong Connections to Community Are Associated with Identity and Positive Affect in the Classroom,” American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Annual Conference & Exposition, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Paper No. AC 2011-720.
  5. Scott, E. P. Scott, R. Bates, R. Campbell, and D. Wilson, 2010, “Contextualizing Professional Development in the Engineering Classroom,” 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 27 - 30, Washington, DC, Session T1A, pp. 1-6.
  6. Scott, E., and Azevedo, H., 2010, “Enabling Successful Transitions from 2-Year Colleges to a 4-Year Electrical Engineering Program,” Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education, paper No. AC 2010-1481 (8 pages).
  7. Floyd-Smith, T., Wilson, D., Campbell, R., Jones, D., Bates, R., Peter, D., Plett, M., Peter, D., Scott, E., Veilleux, N., “A Multi-Institutional Study of Connection, Community and Engagement in Stem Education: Conceptual Model Development,” Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education, paper No. AC 2010-2410 (9 pages).
  8. Scott, E. P., and J. Lindberg, “Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering (ASE) Concentration,” proceedings of the 2009 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009, Austin, TX. (2nd place in Best Paper Competition for the Energy Conversion and Sustainability Division.) AC 2009-2187 (9 pages).
  9. Boroyevich, D., F. C. Lee, J. D. van Wyk, G-Q Lu, E. P. Scott, M. Xu, R. Burgos, F. Wang, T. M. Jahns, T. A. Lipo, R. D. Lorenz, and T. P. Chow, 2008, IPEM-Based Power Electronics System Integration, (invited paper), CIPS 2008, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Integration of Power Electronics Systems, March 11-13, 2008, Nuremburg, Germany.
  10. Rittler*, M., Grant, J. W., Pierrakos*, O., Faulkner, S., Laubenbacher, R., Scott, E., 2007, Multidisciplinary research environments foster learning settings which benefit students and faculty, (Poster Presentation) BMES Annual Fall Meeting, September 26-29, 2007, Los Angeles, CA.
  11. Ricketts*, P. L., A. V. Mudaliar, B. E. Ellis, T. E. Diller, E. P. Scott, O. I. Lanz, 2007, “Noninvasive Blood Perfusion Measurement on the Liver of an Anesthetized Rat, Paper No. SBC2007-176538 (extended abstract, 2 pages), Proceedings of the ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC2007), June 20-24, Keystone Resort & Conference Center, Keystone, Colorado, USA.
  12. Mital*, M., Zhao*, M. Y., E. P. Scott, and R. Huang, 2006, “Thermal Design and Optimization of a Microchannel Cooled Integrated Power Electronic Module,” Paper No. AIAA-2006-3605, Collection of Technical Papers - 9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference Proceedings, v 3, pp 2031-2037.
  13. Scott, E. P., R. Laubenbacher, S. Faulkner, 2006, “BBSI: Summer Institute for Quantitative and Integrative Bioengineering (SIQIB),” (extended abstract, 2 pages), Bioengineering Summer Conf., Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, Florida, June 2006, Abstract No. 160628.
  14. Mudaliar*, A., Ellis*, B., Ricketts*, P., Diller, T. E., Scott, E. P., 2006, “Noninvasive Blood Perfusion Measurements on the Kidney of an Anesthetized Rat,” (extended abstract, 2 pages), Bioengineering Summer Conf., Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, Florida, June 2006, Abstract No. 157675.
  15. Charboneau*, B. C., F. Wang, J. D. van Wyk, D. Boroyevich, Z. Liang, E. P. Scott, “Double Sided Liquid Cooling for Power Semiconductor Devices Using Embedded Power Packaging,” Conference Record, IEEE Industry Applications Conference 40th Annual Meeting (IAS 2005), Oct. 2-6, 2005, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Conf. Proc., Vol. 2, pp. 1138-1142.
  16. Mital*, M., E.P. Scott, Z. Liang, and J. D. van Wyk, 2005, “Thermal Evaluation and Optimization of an Integrated Power Electronic Module,” IMECE2005-83058, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expo, ASME Conf. Proc. IMECE2005, Nov. 2005, Electronic and Photonic Packaging, Electrical Systems Design and Photonics, and Nanotechnology, pp. 555-559.
  17. Mudaliar*, A., C. M. Comas*, T. E. Diller, E. P. Scott, 2005, “Design of Tissue Phantom for Blood Perfusion Measurements,” (extended abstract), Bioengineering Summer Conference, Vail, Colorado, June 2005, Abstract No. b0250123.
  18. Pang*, Y. F., E. P. Scott Z. Liang, J. D. van Wyk, Experimental Study on the Double-Sided Air Cooling for Integrated Power Electronics Modules, Proceedings of IPACK2005 ASME InterPACK’05 July 17- 22, San Francisco, California, USA IPACK2005-73272
  19. Pang*, Y. F., E. Scott, J. D. van Wyk, and Z. Liang, “Assessment of Some Integrated Cooling Mechanisms for an Active IPEM,” IMECE2004-41415, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expo, Nov. 2004, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E. IMECE2004, Heat Transfer, Vol. 2, pp. 163-170.
  20. Mital* M., and E. P. Scott, “Thermal Detection of Embedded Tumors using Infra-red Imaging Technique,” IMECE2004-62260, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expo, Nov. 2004, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE2004, Heat Transfer, Volume 1, pp. 821-828.
  21. Mudaliar*, A., and E. P. Scott, “Performance Assessment of Probe for Radio-frequency Ablation,” HT- FED2003-56422, ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Summer Conference, Charlotte, NC, July, 2004.
  22. Gayzik*, F. S., E. P. Scott, and T. Loulou, “Optimal Control of Thermal Damage to Targeted Regions in a Biological Material,” HT-FED2004-56426, ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Summer Conference, Charlotte, NC, July, 2004.
  23. Montgomery*, Z., D. Minter*, and E. P. Scott, “Analysis of Air Flow Diversion in a System of Integrated Electrical Components,” HT-FED2004-56319, ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Summer Conference, Charlotte, NC, July, 2004.
  24. Pang*, Y. F., Z. Liang, E. P. Scott, and J. D. van Wyk, “Assessment of Thermo-mechanics for an Integrated Power Electronics Switching Stage,” IAS 2004 Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, October 3-7, 2004.
  25. Pang*, Y. F., and E. P. Scott, “Thermal Evaluation of DC/DC and PFC Integrated Power Electronics Modules,” Inter-society Conference on Thermal Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITHERM), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 1-4, 2004.
  26. Armstrong, J. R., B. Vick, and E. Scott, "Platform Based Physical Response Modeling", Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium, pp 91-100 Washington DC, April 26, 2004.
  27. Hernández-Mora*, M., J. E. González, M. Vélez-Reyes*, J. M. Ortiz-Rodríguez*, Pang*,Y.-F, and E. P. Scott, 2003, “Dynamic Reduced Electrothermal Model for Integrated Power Electronics Modules (IPEM): Part I-Thermal Analysis,” Paper No. IMECE2003-42446, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2003, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE2003, Heat Transfer, Vol. 2, pp. 291-298.
  28. Ballmer*, A., O. Lanz, E. P. Scott, 2003, “Perfusion Measurements using a Non-Invasive Thermal Probe in a Phantom Test Stand,” Paper No. IMECE2003-42014 (Extended Abstract), Washington, D.C., Nov. 2003, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE2003, Heat Transfer, Vol. 4, pp. 429-430.
  29. Madden*, M. A., and E. P. Scott, 2003, “An agar and saline phantom for perfused tissue,” Paper No. IMECE2003-42900 (Extended Abstract), Washington, D.C., Nov. 2003. (Second place in ASME’s Bioengineering Division B.S. Student Paper Competition, and Finalist in ASME’s Old Guard Competition.), Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE2003, Advances in Bioengineering, pp. 43-44.
  30. Pang*,Y.-F., and E. P. Scott, 2003, “Thermal Characterization and Optimization of Active System IPEM,” Paper No. IMECE2003-41415, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2003, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE2003, Heat Transfer, Vol. 2, pp. 161-166.
  31. Minter*, D. L., Pang*, Y.-F. ,and E. P. Scott, 2003, “The Effects of Various Cooling Scenarios on a System of Integrated Circuits,” IMECE’03, Paper No. IMECE2003-41667, Washington, D.C., Nov, 2003, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E. IMECE2003, Heat Transfer, Vol. 2, pp. 167-173.
  32. Liang, Z. X., F. C. Lee, J. D. Van Wyk, D. Boroyevich, E. P. Scott, J. Chen, B. Lu, and Y. Pang*, “Integrated Packaging of a 1 kW Switching Module using Planar Interconnect on Embedded Power Chips Technology,” Proceedings of Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), Vol. 1, pp. 42-47, 2003.
  33. Ballmer*, A., O. Lanz, E. P. Scott, R. Broadstone, 2003, “Consistency of Perfusion Measurements using a Non-Invasive Thermal Probe in Canines,” National Heat Transfer Conf., Paper No. HT2003-40447, Las Vegas, NV.
  34. Cardinali*,A. V., T. E. Diller, O. Lanz, and E. P. Scott, 2002, “Validation of a Noninvasive Thermal Perfusion System Using a Canine Medial Saphenous Fasciocutaneous Free Tissue Flap Model,” IMECE’02, New Orleans, Nov. 17-22, 2002, Paper No. 32354. Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., Advances in Bioengineering, pp. 9-16.
  35. Loulou,T., E. P. Scott, and B. Vick, 2002, “Estimation of the Thermal Properties and Interface Conditions of Heterogeneous Materials,” Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE’02, New Orleans, Nov. 17-22, 2002, Paper No. IMECE2002-32431, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E. IMECE2002, Heat Transfer, Volume 6, pp. 201-209.
  36. Loulou, T., and E. P. Scott, 2002, “Multi-Parameter Estimation in Hyperthermia Problem by using an optimal choice of descent parameters in iterative methods,” IMECE’02, New Orleans, Nov. 17-22, 2002, Paper No.IMECE2002-33693, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology, pp. pp. 29-35.
  37. Pang*, Y-F, Chen*, J. Z., E. P. Scott, and K.A. Thole, 2002, “Electrical and Thermal Layout Design and Optimization Considerations for DPS Active IPEM,” IMECE’02, New Orleans, Nov. 17-22, 2002, Paper No.IMECE2002-33778, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., Heat Transfer, Vol. 7, pp. 253-259.
  38. Chen*, Z., Y. F. Pang*, D. Boroyevich, E. P. Scott, and K. A. Thole, Electrical and thermal layout design considerations for integrated power electronics modules,” 37th Industry Application Conference (IAS), 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 242-246.
  39. Bikdash, M., Pang*, Y. F., and E. P. Scott, 2002,“Generation of Equivalent Circuit Models from Simulation Data of a Thermal System,” A.S.M.E. IMECE’02, New Orleans, Nov. 17-22, 2002, Paper No.IMECE2002-33789, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE2002, Volume 7, pp. 269-276.
  40. Loulou, T., E. P. Scott, 2001, “Estimation of Highly Dynamic Heat Flux from Surface Temperature Measurements using Iterative Regularization Method,” Eurotherm - Inverse Problems and Experimental Design In Thermal and Mechanical Engineering, Seminar No 68, 5-7 March, 2001, ENSMA, FUTUROSCOPE, France.
  41. Loulou, T., and E. P. Scott, 2000, “2D Thermal Dose Optimization in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatments,” Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology, Proceedings of the A.S.M.E., IMECE, Vol. HTD-368/BED-47, pp. 67-71.
  42. Loulou, T., and E. P. Scott, 2000, “Thermal Dose Optimization in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatments Using the Adjoint Method,” Proceedings of the 2000 National Heat Transfer Conference, Inverse Thermal Problems Session, Paper No. NHTC’00-12063, Pittsburgh, PA.
  43. LoulouT., and E. P. Scott, 2000, “Optimization of Heat Treatment in High Focused Intensity Ultrasound Treatments,” Proceedings of the Congress francais de Thermique, SFT 2000, No. 8, Lyon, France, May 15-17, 2000 pp. 709-714.
  44. Tilahun, M., E. P. Scott, and B. Vick, 1999, “The Question of Thermal Waves in Heterogeneous and Biological Materials.” Presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1999 A.S.M.E. International Mechanical Engineers Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Nashville, TN, Nov., 1999, HTD-Vol. 363/BED-Vol. 44, pp. 145-151.
  45. Staton, J. C., J. L. Howard, E. P. Scott, and R. G. Kander, 1999, “Polymer based heat exchanger desiccant systems.” Paper No. AJTE99-6217, 1999 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (A.S.M.E.) - Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (J.S.M.E.) Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, San Diego, CA, March 1999.
  46. Vick, B., and E. P. Scott, 1998, “Heat transfer in a matrix with embedded particles,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1998 A.S.M.E. International Mechanical Engineers Congress and Exposition (I.M.E.C.E.), Anaheim, CA, Nov., 1998, HTD-Vol. 4, pp. 193-198.
  47. Robinson, P., E. P. Scott, T. E. Diller, 1998, “Validation of methodologies for the estimation of blood perfusion using a minimally invasive probe,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1998 A.S.M.E. - I.M.E.C.E., Anaheim, CA, Nov., 1998, HTD-Vol. 362; BED-Vol. 40, pp. 109-115.
  48. Walker, D. G., E. P. Scott, 1998, “The effects of lateral conduction on heat flux estimation from surface temperature measurements,” presented at and published in the Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (A.I.A.A.)/A.S.M.E. Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, A.S.M.E., Vol. 3, pp. 245-252.
  49. Scott, E. P., P. Robinson, and T. E. Diller, 1997, “Estimation of Blood Perfusion Using a Minimally Invasive Blood Perfusion Probe,” presented at and published in the Proceedings of the 1997 A.S.M.E.-I.M.E.C.E., HTD-Vol. 355, BED-Vol. 37, pp. 205-212.
  50. Walker, D. G., and E. P. Scott, 1997,“Estimation of one-dimensional high heat fluxes from surface temperature measurements using inverse solution techniques,” presented at and published in the Proceedings of the 1997 A.S.M.E. National Heat Transfer Conference, Baltimore, MD, HTD-Vol. 340, Vol. 2, pp. 91-99.
  51. Garcia, S., and E. P. Scott, 1996,“Use of genetic algorithms in optimal experimental designs,”presented at and published in the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, A.S.M.E., Le Croisic, France, June 9-14, pp. 651-659.
  52. Walker, D. G., E. P. Scott, 1995, “One dimensional heat flux history estimation from discrete temperature measurements,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1995 A.S.M.E. - I.M.E.C.E., San Francisco, CA, HTD-Vol. 317-1, pp. 175-181.
  53. Moncman, D. A., J. P. Hanak, D. C. Copenhaver, and E. P. Scott, 1995, “Optimal experimental designs for estimating thermal properties,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 4th A.S.M.E.- Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers (J.S.M.E.) Thermal Engineering Joint Conf., Maui, HI, Vol. 3, pg. 461-468.
  54. Dolan, J. P. ,and E. P. Scott, 1994, “Microwave freeze-drying of aqueous solutions,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1994 A.S.M.E. Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, H.T.D.- Vol. 288, Advances in Heat and Mass Transfer in Biological Systems, A.S.M.E., New York, pp. 91-98.
  55. Saad, Z., and E. P. Scott, 1994, “Estimation of temperature dependent thermal properties of basic food solutions during freezing,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1994 A.S.M.E. Winter Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, H.T.D.-Vol. 286, Fundamentals of Phase Change: Sublimation and Solidification, A.S.M.E., New York, pp. 47-52.
  56. Scott, E. P., J. Terrell, J. Hager, T. E. Diller, 1994, “A methodology for the noninvasive estimation of thermal properties,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1994 International Heat Transfer Conference, Brighton, England., Vol. 2, Radiation and Combustion; Measurement Techniques; Numerical Techniques and Modelling, (2-MT-20), pp. 291-296.
  57. Scott, L. A., and E. P. Scott, 1993, “An Inverse approach to the determination of the optimal treatment time in cryosurgical applications,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1994 A.S.M.E. Winter Annual Meeting, H.T.D.-Vol. 268, Advances in Bioheat and Mass Transfer: Microscale Analysis of Thermal Injury Processes, Instrumentation, Modeling, and Clinical Applications, A.S.M.E., New York, pp. 1-8.
  58. Scott, E. P., 1992, “An analytical solution and sensitivity study of sublimation-dehydration within a porous medium with volumetric heating,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1994 A.S.M.E. Winter Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, H.T.D.-Vol. 215, Fundamentals of Phase Change: Freezing, Melting and Sublimation, A.S.M.E., New York, pp. 55-62.
  59. Taktak, R., E. P. Scott, and J. V. Beck, 1991, “Optimal experimental designs for estimating thermal properties of composite materials,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 3rd A.S.M.E. - J.S.M.E. Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Reno, NV, A.S.M.E., pp. 481-488.
  60. Scott, E. P., and J. V. Beck, and D. R. Heldman, 1988, “Estimation of transient heat transfer coefficients in frozen foods during storage,” presented at and published in the proceedings of the 1988 A.S.M.E. Winter Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Collected Papers in Heat Transfer 1988, Volume 1, H.T.D.-Vol. 104, pp. 55-62.
  61. Scott, E. P., and J. V. Beck, 1985, “Analysis of order in the sequential regularization solution of the inverse heat conduction problem,” presented at the 1985 A.S.M.E. Winter Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, Paper No. 85-WA/HT43. 
A person in professional attire smiling outdoors with trees and buildings in the background.

Dean of the School of Engineering
