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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Johana Engstrom

Johana Engstrom ’22

Johana Engstrom ’22 is pursuing a double major in philosophy and economics/data analytics and is a 2020-21 Hackworth Fellow at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Views are her own.


View Johana's project presentation video. 

About Johana Engstrom

A person leaning against a wall and smiling.

Johana Engstrom ’22 graduated with double majors in philosophy and economics/data analytics with a minor in classics. Outside of school Johana enjoys going camping, rock climbing and hiking. She was also involved with the forge garden at SCU and is on the board of the classics club. Johana is currently a legal and ethics compliance intern at Intel and plans to pursue a career in data analytics after graduation. 

Jul 18, 2022

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