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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

Judi (Zhuyu) Li

Judith Li ’23 talks about climate change, water insecurity, and gender inequality in Uganda in her presentation. She provides both a macro and micro solution to the problem. Judith Li Showcase Slide

Read Judith's full article: "Climate Change, Water Insecurity, and Gender Inequality in Uganda."

Access the video of Judith's Showcase presentation.

About Judi (Zhuyu) Li

A person sitting in a field of yellow flowers.

Judi (Zhuyu) Li ’23 graduated with an economics and sociology major, with minors in environmental studies and sustainability, and was a 2022-23 Environmental Ethics Fellow with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Li's interest in the environment roots in the deep hope of harmony between humans and nature, between economic development and environmental protection. She looks forward to applying what she has learned during her SCU education to her career journey. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hiking, photography, and piano.



May 29, 2023

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