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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

ESG, Internet, and Data Ethics


The following materials help organizations and leaders understand the connection between data ethics and ESG topics (environment, social and governance).

Resources on ESG and Data Ethics Topics
For Sale sign

Is it appropriate to think of personal data as a commodity?

Students on a college campus

How should we think about the use of student data by colleges and universities in efforts to improve student retention or academic success?

Photo by Sjoerd Los dealing with grief.  i battle it with color.  DSC04052-14

Should we develop "griefbots"?

kid looking at smartphone screen

The "moral concern" about screen time for kids

Charles Dickens

What would Charles Dickens have said about life regulated and shaped by data and algorithms?

Alt text: White surveillance camera mounted on an orange wall.

With every book subtitled "Who We Are (When We Think No One's Looking)," we become more likely to assume that someone's always looking.