The campus convenes to hear Ethics Center guest Cardinal Oscar Andres Maradiaga Rodriguez (third from the left) on the Church of mercy.
As an ethics center in a Jesuit university, we have a special interest in the role of religion in ethics and the formation of moral character.
We offer dialogue, research, and curriculum across a wide range of religious traditions. We provide a free Faith Formation (Catechesis) curriculum to foster religious development and character building. The lesson plans use picture storybooks and experiential learning to promote moral values and ethical behavior.
Another focus of our program has been conscience, exploring conflicts between individual conscience and institutional or societal norms.
The Center is active in the network of Jesuit institutions of higher learning worldwide. We were contributors to the Jesuit Digital Network, which connects high-quality academic content in the Jesuit tradition with educators and learners across institutions and regions. Also, we host regular visiting scholars from other Jesuit colleges and universities.