Ethical perspectives in health care by members of the Health Care Ethics Internship Program.
HCEI Interns and Ethics Center bioethics staff share perspectives around a variety of health care and bioethics related ethical dilemmas.
In the United States, 29.6 million people with limited English proficiency ( LEP) fight to engage with the health care system.
Because of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Services (ERDs), anyone who delivers their baby at a Catholic hospital will be unable to receive tubal ligation for contraceptive purposes at the hospital, regardless of any prior arrangements.
Obtaining informed consent in the medical setting concerns whether enough information has been disclosed to the patient and whether they can comprehend the risks of a procedure. Yet, a significant challenge to obtaining informed consent now emerges in the context of transformative experiences.
Legally preventing providers from practicing and providing gender-affirming care to their patients is unethical, and may have serious implications for health care providers who wish for nothing more than to fulfill their vocations to the best of their abilities.
Though Hawai‘i is often described as paradise and set the benchmark for the most affordable health care in the nation, its health care system has been in crisis well before COVID-19 and the Lahaina fires.
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