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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Confession to a Computer? Experts say 'AI Jesus' Can't Perform Sacrament

David DeCosse, director, religious and Catholic ethics, quoted by USA Today.

USA Today performs a fact check on a recent social media claim that A church in Switzerland is using an AI hologram of Jesus to take confessions.

David DeCosse, a religious studies professor and ethics expert at Santa Clara University, told USA TODAY that directly divulging sins to a priest is a crucial part of confession that would make using AI for confession impossible.

"It's almost a textbook case of the limits of AI in terms of all that we miss when we depart from the bodily, the interpersonal, the face, the subtleties and feelings of human memory,” he wrote in an email.


David DeCosse, director, religious and Catholic ethics, quoted by USA Today.

media, religion