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Creating New International Partnerships

Creating New International Partnerships

General Information

The Agreement Proposal process is internal to Santa Clara University and must be documented by Global Engagement. Please copy Associate Provost Popko ( on all written and electronic correspondence with the partner institution regarding the implementation of the agreement.

Before considering an international partnership, consider the following questions:

  • How does the potential partnership reflect our institutional mission statement, core values, and long-term goals?
  • How does the partnership align with our institution’s internationalization plan?
  • Does the partnership fill any gaps in our institution’s existing programs?
  • Does the proposed partner institution have the necessary faculty and staff capacity to launch and sustain the partnership?
  • Are there any issues that might limit the partnership (e.g., DOS travel warnings or health threats?)
  • How strong is the proposed partner institution’s commitment to the partnership?
  • How sustainable is the partnership?
  • What is the potential for expanding the proposed partnership to engage multiple institutional units?
  • What are the plans for periodically accessing the partnership?

Santa Clara University International Agreements Policy

I. General

SCU Staff and Faculty may enter into agreements with international institutions to further SCU’s mission and to facilitate international cooperation. There are two types of agreements: an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) is a general agreement that lays the groundwork for future collaborative activity and an AOC (Agreement of Commitment) details one or more specific exchange activities and normally includes the commitment of university An AOC can only be pursued if an MOU has already been established.   

Examples of AOC Types:

  1. Administration of joint research projects
  2. Administration of student exchange programs
  3. Administration of faculty exchange programs

II. Definitions

International agreements are those institutional affiliations between Santa Clara University and partner institutions that involve the use of the University's name and may include any or all of the following:

  1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): A general agreement that establishes a broad context for institutional cooperation. Because an MOU does not spell out specific commitments, programs will not be implemented without a Agreement of Cooperation (AOC)
  2. Agreement of Commitment (AOC): An agreement that spells out the specific arrangements for a program of exchange between one or more units of the University and another institution.  An MOU must be in place before an AOC can be made.
  3. Reciprocal Exchange (AOC): An AOC where both institutions reciprocally exchange students, staff, or faculty.  No payments will be made between the partners due to the equivalent exchange.  
  4. Sponsored Visitor (AOC): An AOC where the partner institution fully funds its students, staff, or faculty to attend SCU.
  5. Amendment: An agreement that alters or expands an MOU/AOC
  6. Renewal/Termination: MOU/AOC may be renewed or terminated following consultation and agreement between both institutions.  If termination is required both sides must be notified at least 6 months prior to the expiration of the MOU/AOC.   
  7. Agreement Coordinator: The representative from the SCU unit who is responsible for administering and implementing the agreement.  Once an MOU or AOC is initiated facilitation will be the Agreement Coordinator’s responsibility. 

III. Procedures

Once a proposed MOU/AOC is drafted, it is submitted to General Counsel. An MOU/AOC shall be considered in effect once two copies of the agreement document has been approved by General Counsel and signed by both institutions. Each institution will keep a copy. The steps for MOUs and AOCs are as follows:

  • Establish interest for an agreement between SCU and an outside institution
  • Fill out and submit an “Agreement Proposal” as well as an MOU template to Global Engagement
  • After Global Engagement has approved of the proposal, a draft MOU will be approved by legal counsel in both institutions before being submitted to the presidents of SCU and the partner institution
  • Both presidents will sign two copies of the MOU. Each institution will retain one physical copy for record keeping
  • Establish interest for an agreement between SCU and the partner institution. An existing MOU must already be in place.
  • Designate one program coordinator from each institution who will be responsible for filing drafting/implementing the AOC
  • Secure necessary approvals (funding, student/faculty exchange, staffing, registration) from department directors/deans
  • Once Global Engagement has approved of the proposal, a draft AOC will be approved by legal counsel in both institutions
  • Directors/Deans as well as the program coordinators from both institutions will each sign two copies of the AOC. Each institution will retain one physical copy for record keeping

IV. Distribution and Archives

Global Engagement is responsible for distributing the copies of the authorized forms once they have been signed and for maintaining a record of all agreements.

V. Administration

The agreement shall be administered by the Agreement Coordinators. Global Engagement is not responsible for the administration or implementation of agreements. However, please note that all undergraduate non-degree students must be administered by Global Engagement.

VI. Limitations

The duration of agreements will be limited to a cycle of no more than three years. During the final year of a cycle, each agreement may be reviewed for renewal upon the recommendation of the Agreement Coordinator and the partner institution. The decision to renew or terminate should be decided at least six months in advance from the date of expiration. Global Engagement will monitor the status of agreements. If the assigned program coordinators leave their positions for any reason, a new program coordinator must be assigned and a new MOU/AOC must be signed by the end of the current three year cycle or face termination. 

Types of International Agreements

General Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

A general agreement states the intention of participating institutions to explore the potential for collaborative activities in different academic or research areas.  It does not include specific activities and requires additional, specific agreements for the implementation of activities.  An MOU establishes a foundation for institutions to work together, but implementation of activities happens through additional activity-specific agreements as described below. Memorandum of Understanding - Required in addition to all other agreements

Non-degree Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement

This agreement provides for the exchange of undergraduate or graduate students between SCU and an institution abroad.  Students remain matriculated at their home institution.  No tuition is sent/received from one institution to another.  Normally, the numbers of students exchanged must balance over a three-year period. Non-degree Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreements describe the elements of the program experience, e.g., admission requirements, academics, housing, fees, visas and immigration, transcripts, etc.  Non-degree student exchange activities require review of implications related to: impact to existing programs, accreditation, immigration and other areas. Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreement

Non-degree Visiting Student Agreement

Non-degree Visiting Student Agreements are similar to Reciprocal Student Exchange Agreements but differ in that there is no expectation of reciprocity; a balance of students is not required; fees are paid to SCU.   This agreement provides for undergraduate or graduate students from overseas institutions to study for a term or up to one year at SCU.  Students remain matriculated at their home institution.  Non-degree Visiting Student Agreements describe the elements of the program experience, e.g., admission requirements, academics, housing, fees, visas and immigration, transcripts, etc.  Non-degree student exchange activities require review of implications related to: impact to existing programs, accreditation, immigration and other areas. Non-degree Visiting Student Agreement

Study Abroad Agreement

This agreement enables SCU undergraduate or graduate students to participate in a program abroad.  Participation is not predicated on an equal exchange of students.  SCU students remain matriculated at SCU.  Normally, tuition and fees are sent from SCU to the program abroad.  Study Abroad Agreements describe the elements of the program experience, e.g., admission requirements, academics, housing, fees, visas and immigration, transcripts, etc.  Study Abroad programs follow the policies and procedures for approval established by Global Engagement.  

Agreement for Research, Technical or Scientific Cooperation

This agreement outlines the commitments, roles and responsibilities for implementing an exchange of SCU faculty, researchers or administrators between SCU and an overseas institution.  Financial and logistical expectations must be articulated in the agreement.  These agreements may require review of the Office of Research. Agreement for Research, Technical, or Scientific Cooperation

Dual Degree Agreement

This agreement lays out the structure and expectations for academic programs that enable participating students to receive two degrees; one from SCU and one from the partner institution.  Each institution maintains primary responsibility for conferring its own degree. The agreement should describe the academic plan, courses and procedures to be followed for students to attain two degrees.  This agreement allows for the transfer of credit in keeping with existing undergraduate and graduate policies.

International Graduate Scholarship Agreement

This agreement details the terms and procedures for a recruitment incentive International Graduate Scholarship Agreement between Santa Clara University and an applicable institution. Requirements, rules, and approved programs are included in the document. International Graduate Scholarship Agreement 

Study Abroad to Graduate Degree Agreement

This agreement is for SCU Graduate Programs only. This agreement enables SCU graduate students to participate in a program abroad with one semester of waived tuition. Requires negotiation between SCU and the relevant partnering university. Study Abroad to Graduate Degree Agreement