- The proper relationship between a campaign and an independent expenditure committee
A campaign manager signals the candidate's wishlist.
- Conflicts of interest in campaigns
A candidate's friend becomes a bidder on a government contract
- Pledges and endorsements
When candidates fills out a questionnaire for an interest group, do they pre-commit themselves to positions before they have had a chance to hear all sides of a legislative issue?
- Access for candidates to government-created email lists
Can a campaign use government databases?
- When volunteers behave unethically
Student volunteers remove an opponent's yard signs.
- A case in campaign ethics
A candidate poses with the seal of the office she hopes to hold
- When is a candidate's personal life fair game?
A candidate must decide whether to use information about his opponent's marriage.
A candidate uses a controversial photo in a campaign brochure.
A newly elected mayor decides whether to contest a citation for election code violations.
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