616. Holidays
It is the policy of the University to grant its employees certain paid holidays.
All regular and fixed term staff employees whose full time equivalency is at least 50% (20 hours per week) are eligible for paid holidays from their date of hire.
Days Designated as Paid Holidays
New Year’s Day | Juneteenth Day | Friday after Thanksgiving |
Martin Luther King Day | Independence Day | Christmas Eve Day |
President’s Day | Labor Day | Christmas Day |
Good Friday | Indigenous Peoples Day | New Year’s Eve Day |
Memorial Day | Thanksgiving Day |
At the discretion of the President of the University, other paid days off may be declared on a one time basis.
Saturday or Sunday Holidays
When a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the University reserves the right to declare either the previous Friday or the following Monday as the paid day off for observation of the holiday. The University reserves the right to observe any holiday on a certain date based on requirements of the University calendar.
Holiday Pay
All holiday pay is based on an employee’s regular base pay unless otherwise noted.
When the day of the holiday observance falls on a scheduled work day and the employee does not work on that day:
- Full time exempt and non exempt employees receive regular pay for that day.
- Part time exempt and non exempt employees receive prorated pay based on their full time equivalency (FTE), e.g., an employee who works 60% time would receive 4.8 hours of holiday pay (8 hours x 60%).
When the day of holiday observance falls on the employee’s normally scheduled day off:
- Full time or part time exempt and non exempt employees receive another day off with pay in the same pay period.
- Part time exempt and non exempt employees whose work schedule is four or fewer days per week or varying numbers of hours daily during each week receive time off with pay on the next scheduled work day following the holiday. Hours paid for the holiday should be based on the employee’s full time equivalency (FTE).
When the employee is required to work on the day of holiday observance:
- Full time or part time exempt employees may receive partial or full compensatory time off when authorized by the supervisor.
- Full time non exempt employees receive one and one half times regular pay for the hours worked on the holiday, and either another day off with regular pay in the same pay period, or when time off cannot be provided, eight hours of extra pay. Under some circumstances the employee may be eligible for overtime pay. Refer to the Overtime policy.
- Part time non exempt employees receive time and one half pay for the hours worked on the holiday and either time off with pay for the pro rata holiday hours within the pay period, or , when time off cannot be provided, extra pay for this number of hours.
When the day of holiday observance occurs while an employee is on an approved leave (vacation, sick leave, or other paid leave from which the employee is expected and scheduled to return to work,) the time shall be charged as paid holiday rather than as a vacation, sick leave or other paid leave. An employee on an unpaid leave of absence does not receive pay for the holiday.
Each department must inform its employees about the department’s holiday schedule and holiday leave policy.
Contact Human Resources if you have questions or if you would like more information about this policy.
Policy Approved: October 23, 1998
Last Updated: January 1, 2024
Last Reviewed: January 1, 2024
Maintainer: Human Resources