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    Information about admissions considerations, acceptance rates, admissions yeilds, SAT and ACT scores.

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    Completions by field of study, award level, recipient race/ethnicity and gender. Completers by race/ethnicity, gender, and age. 

  • Enrollment

    Fall Enrollment

    12-Month Enrollment

    Full- and part-time enrollment by level, race/ethnicity, and gender; residence and high school graduation status of first-time undergraduate students; student age, retention rates, student-to-faculty ratio, and students enrolled in distance education. 

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    Revenues by sources (tuition and fees, government grants and contracts, private gifts), expenses by function, assets and liabilities, scholarships and fellowships. 

  • IPEDS Financial Aid icon with dollar symbol and graduation cap.
    Financial Aid

    Number of undergraduates awarded financial aid and amounts awarded, counts of undergraduates and graduate students recieving military education benefits. 

  • Graduation Rates

    Graduation Rates

    200% Graduation Rates

    Outcome Measures

    Number of students entering the institution as full-time, first-time degree seeking students by race/ethnicity and gender; number of students completing their program within 6 years by race/ethnicity and gender; number of students who transferred to other institutions. 

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    Human Resources

    Employees by primary occupational activity, faculty status, full- and part-time status; full-time instructional staff by academic rank, gender, and contract length/teaching period; full-time instructional faculty by rank, gender, length of contract/teaching period, and salary outlays. 

  • Institutional Characteristics

    Basic institutional contact information; student services information; tuition/fees and other student charges; control or affiliation; type of calendar system; and levels of awards and types of programs offered.

    IC Header

    Institutional Characteristics

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    Use the Data

    Information about IPEDS and how to use the data.

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    Data Feedback Reports

    The IPEDS Data Feedback Reports provide comparison statistics for SCU and a group of similar institutions. See our Data Feedback Report viewbook for historical reports from SCU.