Faculty: here are some reminders regarding rosters, grading, and other registrar-related topics.
Class rosters: Official class rosters are found in Moodle. (Your class roster in eCampus only includes JST students taking your courses – so it is not complete.)
Faculty consent on restricted courses: Students will register for the restricted course, as well as contact the instructor by email to request permission to take the course. The instructor will monitor the course roster (in Moodle) and notify the registrar of the student’s home school to identify those who should be DROPPED (because the student either has not received permission or the course is already full).
Advisor registration block: If you want to stop an advisee from being able to add/change their registration until after they meet with you, please notify the registrar to place an "advising hold" on the student's record. Then notify the registrar again when the hold should be removed.
Student Planning: Advisors may access their students’ unofficial transcripts, current schedule, and registration screens by going into eCampus and choosing their advisees’ records.
Upgrading a course: If a student needs to upgrade a course, they must do so using the Special Reading Course form (SRC 8888). This paperwork MUST be submitted to the registrar by the end of the FIRST week of classes to avoid a change of enrollment fee. Please enforce the urgency of this with your advisees.
Grading: Grades must be entered into the Moodle grade roster. The grading procedure can be found halfway down the document Entering Final Course Grades in Moodle .
Incompletes: Please use the Petition to Take an Incomplete form and note that the grade should be “I” rather than “INC” which has a different meaning altogether. Students should fill out the form, have it signed by you and the Associate Dean and submit it to the Registrar’s office by the last day of the semester. They then have 3 weeks to complete course requirements, after which you have 3 weeks to submit a change of grade to me (either by obtaining a paper form from my office or by sending me an email).
Course Scheduling Forms and Procedures: You will need to fill out a course scheduling form for each course you teach, even if it is a recurring course. If you later make a change to the course you will need to submit an addendum form.