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Authentic and Lasting Reform

In light of recent revelations of the sexual abuse perpetrated by the Church's ministers and the systemic cover-up and abuse of authority that compounded the harm, our JST community has been grappling with how to approach and address this crisis.  We stand with the victims and lament as we face the sins of our Church.  Naming this stark and painful reality is essential to the healing that is so much needed. 

As a theology center in the Jesuit and Catholic tradition, JST can help the Church do its rigorous thinking and deep discernment about what lasting reforms are necessary.  Our theological, biblical, and spiritual resources offer a way forward to the reform and reconciliation that we seek.  This conversation is a heavy one, filled with complexities and enduring questions.  JST remains committed to creating space where students and faculty can wrestle with the complex realities facing our Church and world.

This page reflects the ongoing conversations that are taking place in our school community.  As we take seriously our vocations as teachers and scholars, ministers and servant-leaders, our conversations are in service to our greater Church community.  The conversations and prayers that take place at JST are not for ourselves, but for all of us.  To this end, we hope that this page can serve as a resource and dialogue partner to our greater community, as it represents the lament, discernment, and calls to reform that are occurring at JST.

We invite you to join us in this conversation, raising your own questions and proposing some possible solutions as we discern how to move forward towards authentic reform.  Feel free to offer us your own responses and proposals at  We look forward to hearing from you.

These reflections from our community are written by our students, faculty, and staff.  As teachers, students of ministry, vowed religious, and members of our Church, this crisis has deeply affected our community.  While each reflection is personal, together they help represent how our community is responding to this painful moment in our Church and serve to demonstrate the deep reflection and discernment occurring within our community.

9/18/18 - Deborah Ross, Ph.D. Lecturer and Director of Ministerial Formation

9/11/18 - Christopher Hadley, S.J. Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology

9/10/18 - Lisa Fullam, D.V.M., Th.D. Professor of Moral Theology

9/6/18 - Kevin O'Brien, S.J. Dean of the Jesuit School of Theology, for CNN

9/5/18 - Julie H. Rubio, Ph.D. Professor of Social Ethics

8/27/18 - Ellen Jewett, M.Div. '20

We pray for the victims of sexual abuse, within and outside the Church, that the Spirit may guide us as we seek to be ministers of mercy in the Church that is both blessed and broken.  Join us as we pray.

"Nada Te Turbe" - a Taizé chant based on the prayer of St. Teresa of Avila

Cry Out to God in our Need: Psalms of Lament, John Endres, S.J.