National Catholic Reporter
An article by Maureen O’Connell, professor of theological ethics at La Salle University in Philadelphia, uses a tradition of the Catholic Church to question social behavior in her article, “Catholics and Racism: From Examination of Conscience to Examination of Culture,” wherein she also encourages work in developing Catholic social teaching on racism that is as comprehensive as its teachings in other social issues.
Karen House Catholic Worker, St. Louis, MO
The resources located at, though not religious in nature, offers resources helpful in identifying the level of privilege in individual life and how biased social structures develop and operate - and can be challenged.
Racial Sobriety Workshops
An organization that has been invited by the Archdiocese of New Orleans to shape its programming among several different groups, these workshops help “become more aware of our own attitudes toward others and enter into the process of transforming our own hearts and minds.” You can learn more about the workshops and their programming here:
Anti-Racism Preparedness Toolkit
Designed for ministers, church leaders, and clergy facing a rise in hate directed at their congregations, this Clergy Anti-Racism Preparedness Toolkit provides resources, from personal prayer resources to organizing models, for churches looking to proclaim the Gospel message of justice in the midst of public acts of racism, provided by Righteous Resistance