“Racial Harmony” | Archdiocese of New Orleans
Visit http://nolacatholic.org/offices/racial-harmony#living-in-harmony-ideas-for-parishes, for ideas on prayers, programs, and activities focused on racial harmony ideas to build a more loving, accepting, and respectful community .
“Anti-Racism Strategic Plan” | Archdiocese of Chicago
Visit http://hr.archchicago.org/DesktopModules/XSSearchInput/index/www.archchicago.org..out/strategic_plan.pdf to learn more about the Archdiocese of Chicago’s strategic plan to address the complex issue of institutional racism within the two areas of Catholic Education and the Department of Pastoral Care.
“Responding to the Sin of Racism” | Archdiocese of San Francisco
Visit http://sfarchdiocese.org/docs/default-source/communication-office/responding-to-the-sin-of-racism---usccb-doc.pdf?sfvrsn=0 for more information about how to facilitate ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. Also, view a list of parishes who are confronting racism and promoting peace.
“Youth and Teen Topics” | The National Black Congress
Visit https://www.nbccongress.org/youth-and-teen-topics.html for youth ministry aricles, reviews, videos, and reflections.
“Call to Christian Commitment and Action to Combat Racism” | The Episcopal Church
Visit https://www.episcopalchurch.org/library/article/call-christian-commitment-and-action-combat-racism to view a list of strategies to engage the parish community in concrete ways to combat racism through worship, education, and programs.
“Introductory Concepts on Racism” | Karen House Catholic Worker (St. Louis)
Visit http://newsite.karenhousecw.org/resources-introductory-concepts for resources, articles, media, discussion topics which explore racism, white privilege, racial idenity, black liberation theology, and black white America.
“Talking about Racism ” | Karen House Catholic Worker (St. Louis)
Visit http://newsite.karenhousecw.org/resources-talking-about-racism for a list of articles which can spark dialogue regarding white privilege, racial inequality, and the Black Live Matter movement.
“Anti-Racist Families” | Karen House Catholic Worker (St. Louis)
Visit http://newsite.karenhousecw.org/resources-anti-racist-families for resources for families to engage in conversation about race, diversity, and racism.
“Racial Justice Resources” | Pax Christi
Visit https://www.sistersofmercy.org/files/images/Justice/Racism/Racial-justice-statement---Pax-Christi2.pdf to view a list of articles, movies, and books compiled by Pax Christi.
“Forum on Race” | Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Visit http://www.catholiccincinnati.org/ministries-offices/african-american-pastoral-ministries/archdiocese-of-cincinnatis-forum-on-race-materials-3/ for manterials to preach on social justice.