Dear SCU Faculty and Staff,
In January, the University Coordinating Committee appointed a task force to assess the compatibility of the SCU Gift Acceptance Guidelines with our mission, vision and values. Our University Relations Division, following best practices in their field, first created the guidelines in 2014. They were amended several times over the years.
The task force recently completed their work and sent to me their report and recommendations (attached). Earlier this month, I responded to their report (also attached). Given the task force’s dedicated labor and insightful contributions, particularly during this time of Covid-19, I want to make their work widely known by sharing the report and response with you now. As you will see, I substantially agree with their very thoughtful recommendations, with some refinements. We will incorporate the revisions over the summer.
The task force’s contributions will make the guidelines even stronger and help to ensure that our cultivation and acceptance of gifts at Santa Clara are closely aligned with our institutional values and goals.
I close by thanking the task force for their service to the university:
- Naomi Andrews, History (co-chair)
- Donald Polden, Law (co-chair)
- Jennifer Merritt, Ignatian Center
- Kirsten Rasmussen, University Relations
- Ann Skeet, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
- Morgan Willis, Law (student)
Kevin F. O'Brien, S.J.