Benefits of Business Refurbishment
Lincoln Watase, CEO and President of Yum Yum Donut Shops, answers the question, "What benefits were gained from your store refurbishment program?"
Common business mistakes: When your business begins to grow
Lincoln Watase, CEO and President of Yum Yum Donut Shops, discusses the things to consider when your business begins to grow.
Acquiring your competitor
Lincoln Watase, CEO and President of Yum Yum Donut Shops, shares his story with Yum Yum donuts and reveals how his business managed to enjoy success by acquiring the Winchell's donuts chain.
Becoming a Franchiser
Phill Holland, founder of MOBI, explains the benefits and drawbacks of becoming a franchiser, noting the advantage of being removed from problems like worker's compensation insurance, and also the disadvantage of having lack of control in some business operations.
Vertical Integration in Business
Lincoln Watase, CEO and President of Yum Yum Donut Shops, lists the different ways that vertical integration helps a business maximize their profit opportunities, control the quality of the supplies, and diversify business risk.
Choosing a Mentor
Daniel Nathanson, Ph.D from UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Business, describes the characteristics of a perfect business mentor and explains how a business mentor can help you with your business.