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June 2013

Cartoon green troll with orange hair and a brown loincloth, watermark visible.

Cartoon green troll with orange hair and a brown loincloth, watermark visible.

SCU Law Professor Research Aids Obama Administration Patent-Troll Plan

Key research relied upon by the Obama Administration for its plan to combat "patent trolls" was conducted by Santa Clara University School of Law Assistant Professor Colleen Chien.


SANTA CLARA, Calif., June 4, 2013 -- The Obama Administration today announced seven legislative priorities and five executive orders to tackle problems created by patent “trolls.” Key research relied upon by the administration was conducted by Santa Clara University School of Law Assistant Professor Colleen Chien, who teaches and writes about patent law and international intellectual property.
As partly detailed in the Administration's report accompanying the release, Professor Chien has researched and provided testimony on: 
*The preponderance of patent lawsuits being brought by non-practicing entities, including against small businesses 
*The economic and  business impact of patent-assertion lawsuits: 
*Suggested reforms in the judicial system to thwart nuisance suits 
Prof. Chien can be reached by reporters for analysis and commentary on the president’s plan. Her e-mail is and  Deborah Lohse of SCU Media Relations can also help track her down on deadline. or 408-554-5121.
patents,Colleen Chien