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Community Engagement

As a Jesuit university, we have long been an exemplar for our focus on justice and equity; let us use our strengths and history of community-engaged research to amplify that impact.

Our history implores us to take a larger role in reconciliation and community-engaged learning in relation to indigenous sovereignty. This goal allows us to better define and engage with communities on local, regional, statewide, and international levels. We will build off of our strategic positionality drawing from innovations emerging from new and long-standing partnerships with grassroots community groups and Silicon Valley startups to scale climate resilience and regenerative practices. Additionally, we must further leverage our Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) connections and our unique global Jesuit network of 200+ institutions of higher learning and thousands of community-based groups to grow the Santa Clara community’s “appetite for advocacy.” And, echoing our Academics goal, this focus area educates our graduates moving into positions of power and access to make changes for environmental justice to become a reality.

With the increased relevance, rigor, and reach of our community-engaged research partnerships, we will earn national recognition for our advocacy success, which, in turn, will garner stronger faculty recruitment and retention. We are also poised for new, diverse student recruitment through our growing reputation as a collaborative campus and environmental justice leader. The patience and resources invested in community-engaged research will amplify previously sidelined community voices, increase transparency, and enhance our reputation as a place “walking the walk.” These growing AJCU and global Jesuit higher education partnerships will help us expand our leadership opportunities, strengthening our wider reputation.

“The effects of climate change are borne by the most vulnerable people, whether at home or around the world.”

Laudate Deum paragraph 3


Santa Clara University will use its platform in our local community, in the field of higher education, and in the global Jesuit network to scale climate resilience and regenerative practices through partnerships building environmental justice and an equitable economy.


CE 1: Advocacy

By 2026, develop and strengthen community-engaged research to amplify student civic engagement and sustainability advocacy that addresses environmental injustices and vulnerability.

Sub-strategies include understanding shared priorities and key issues, developing a system to support advocacy (including growth in key areas) and community-based research, and expanding relationships with community partners. Additional sub-strategies include creating advocacy leadership development training for students.

CE 2: Community-Engaged Research

By 2030, SCU will foster and scale inclusive pathways to resilient futures through community-engaged research partnerships to transform conditions that cause environmental injustice and vulnerability.

Sub-strategies include coordinating increased resources for community-university research (especially to create resilient pathways) and other priorities.

CE 3: Relationships

By 2030, engage with, invest in, and reconcile with local and regional Indigenous tribes and other marginalized communities that are disproportionately burdened by environmental injustices.

Sub-strategies include developing a standing committee (with a tribal liaison position) for identifying and fostering reconciliation and restoration efforts, creating a participatory history of SCU’s relationships with various communities to address historical injustices, and increasing investments in research / programs for local and regional Indigenous tribes and other marginalized communities.


Next: Energy >