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eight dimensions of wellness logo for santa clara university

Campus Recreation values wellness - we model and inspire lifestyles that encourage lifelong health and well-being by focusing on the eight dimensions of wellness. 

We work with a number of other campus partners to support the eight dimensions of wellness on campus.

Campus Ministry 

Campus Ministry is located in the Benson Center & they are full-time ministers with Master’s degrees, graduate students, and undergraduate students who want to help you find a sense of home at SCU.. For more information please see their website.

Career Center 

The Career Center empowers students to continuously discern and pursue meaningful work to meet the complex needs of an ever-changing world.  They support all undergraduate students, graduate students in Engineering, Education, Counseling Psychology, and Pastoral Ministries, and Alumni.  For more information about career development and opportunities to connect with resources, alumni, and employers please see their website.

Center for Sustainability 

The Center for Sustainability empowers SCU students, faculty, and staff to build a more humane, just, and sustainable world. The Center for Sustainability host events and programs, implements initiatives, provides strategic consultation, and share stories that help the University achieve climate neutrality, practice mindful consumption, develop a culture of sustainability and use the campus as a living laboratory. For more information please see their website.

Cowell Center

The Cowell Center provides comprehensive medical and psychological services. Student Health Services (SHS) offers primary care, immunizations, STI testing, nutrition services, health education, and more. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers short-term therapy, groups & workshops, psychiatry, case management, crisis support, and more. For more information please see their website.
Psychological services are also available 24/7/365 through CAPS 24/7. Services include a support line, therapy, and more. Call 408-554-5220 at any time to get support.  

Cura RLC (Finn Residence Hall) 

Opened Fall 2019, the Cura Residential Learning Community is a mini-suite style, a co-ed community of first and second-year students, focused on the theme of cura personalis or care for the whole person. For more information please see their website.

Mission to Wellness

This is a program for SCU's faculty and staff out of the Human Resources Department. For more information, please see the HR website.

Student Well-Being Resources 

We have a new comprehensive website that includes various well-being resources at If you aren’t sure where to go or what you may need, please review the offerings that have been compiled here. Student well-being is a campus-wide effort and we appreciate the collaboration between the Cowell Center and Office of Student Life that made this website possible. 

Wellness Center

Located at 852 Market Street, the Wellness Center is a wellness promotion and education resource center for all Santa Clara University students. The Wellness Center utilizes evidence-based initiatives to promote a culture of holistic health that empowers students to make informed decisions and develop self-efficacy in achieving intellectual, spiritual, social, physical, and emotional well-being. Areas of focus include alcohol and substance abuse prevention, sexual assault and violence prevention, sleep hygiene, stress management, and healthy relationships. In Fall 2015 "Wellness Wednesdays" was established, which brings Peer Health Educators into the Malley Center Lobby to table about different health and wellness topics on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information please see the Wellness Center's homepage