Santa Clara Altered Beasts started out as an intramural team in 2003. After dominating the intramural scene, these beasts took the next step up to join the college club scene led by leaders, and namesake, Dave "Altered Beast" Ray, Dan "The Godfather" Alvarado, Alex "Egyptian" Seber and coach Chris "Woody" Sherwood. SCAB mostly played under the radar up until Spring 2015, where the team snagged their first ever bid to South-West Regionals. Since then, SCAB has consistently made regionals, competing for the South-West's bid to Nationals. Since the 2015 breakthrough, SCAB continues to make new accomplishments. In 2019 SCAB had its first invite to Santa Barbara Invite, an elite start of the season tournament. In 2020, SCAB won the Santa Barbara Qualifier tournament, its third tournament win in team history, and earned its bid to Santa Barbara Invite, finishing 10th, breaking seed by 9 places. Our own records show that we are not just your average players, we are Altered Beasts!