The Club Sports Program is pleased to announce that we are accepting applications for new Club Sport teams to join the program! See the accordion below for the New Club Sport Application.
A successful Club Sport Officer knows and understands all Club Sport policies and procedures.
Forms are all available via shared Google Docs or through Survey Tools. Some hard copies are available in the Malley Center Admin Offices hallway posted outside of Office 113.
What to Do with Completed Forms
If you are a Club Sports Officer, Team Member, or Prospective Team Member, and you have completed forms to turn in, please place them in the Club Sports Inbox. The inbox has a bright green label and is located on the wall outside of Office 113 of the Malley Center.
Do NOT turn in your completed forms to any place other than the Club Sports Inbox. You may NOT leave your Club Sports forms with the Malley Center Front Desk Staff.
Emailing Forms
All forms can be emailed to as long as you have an updated version of Adobe Reader on your computer.
Make sure you open the file, download the Google Doc to your computer, fill out the form, and save it to your computer prior to sending it.
Documents linked below are not current and will be updated once the Club Sports Program is returned to active status.
- Required Forms Checklist - A checklist for everything you need to keep track of
- Officer Duties - Tips and recommendations for officer duties
- Club Sports Handbook
- Discipline Guidelines
- Council Constitution
- Student Handbook
- Canva Template Instructions for Social Media
- Informed Consent & Release of Liability
- Under 18 Liability Waiver Form - If under 18 years of age, complete this form to participate in Club Sports.
- Conduct Guidelines
- ImPACT Testing
- All new members of Club Sport teams must complete ImPACT within 30 days of the start of the fall quarter. After athletes complete the Liability and Conduct Guidelines form, a link to a Baseline test will be emailed to the new team member.
- Individuals listed on the current team rosters who took an ImPACT baseline test two or more academic years prior to the current academic year will be required to complete a new ImPACT baseline test within 30 days of the beginning of the academic year or immediately prior to returning after taking 2+ year break from a program in order to renew their status
- Any team members sustaining a concussion must take a post-concussion ImPACT test three to five days post injury. Email to set up a time to complete the post-test.
Prospective team members are not eligible to participate with a team in any practices or games until (1) all THREE forms are submitted online, (2) reviewed by the Club Sports Office, and (3) the student’s name is listed on the team’s official roster. Please check with the team President to find out if you have been listed as okay to participate on the team’s official roster BEFORE practicing.
- Program Funding Summary
- Copy this google sheet, save to your drive, and update to this year.
- Compare/use as reference the previous year End of Year Report Program Funding Summary to create the current year Program Funding Summary
- Community Service Request Form
- Fundraiser/Sponsorship Request Form
- Reimbursement Form
- Download the form to access the 'fill-in fields'.
- For instructions on how to fill out the Reimbursement Form correctly, please watch this video!
- HOW TO - Set up Direct Deposit for Reimbursement
- HOW TO - Update Mailing Address For Reimbursements
- Santa Clara Fund Petition Form
- Liability Waiver 6-21 - Required Annually
- All Coaches must complete regardless if paid by Service Agreement
- 24-25 Volunteer Letter of Agreement - Required Annually
- SCU Club Sports Coach Background Check 2024 - Required
- May be provided from your team's National Governing Body or via UPS (2784 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051 ONLY - no other UPS due to billing with University credit card set up so no pay)
- Vehicle Drivers Agreement - Required Annually - Optional
- If you will be driving athletes to practices/competitions/events, you must complete this form.
- SCU Parking Permit Application 2024-2025 - Optional
- (Transportation Services has not yet provided an update on our Permit Request Process nor pricing. Please complete this form if interested in a parking permit. We will communicate updates and request a temporary permit for the interim.)
- Coach Malley Membership Request Form - Optional
- Email Request Form - Required
- Team Dues Portal - A player can pay what the team requests from them for their membership dues. Please note: All player dues must be paid by February 1st.
- Team Gear Portal - Teams can use this portal to collect player’s payments for team gear. The portal can be set up in a way that players are able to enter the amount they want to pay depending on what gear they purchase.
- Tournament/Event Fee Portal - Teams can set this up for opposing teams to use when paying for SCU hosted tournaments.
- Club Sports Merchandise Portal - Teams can set this up to sell items to friends, family, and/or alumni.
Please understand that significant administrative responsibilities accompany status as a Club Sport. The Club Sports Program has limited staffing, finances, and resources. Considering that, we weigh each application heavily against our resources, the current Club Sports, and the needs of the student population. Although applications are accepted at any time throughout the year, applications will only be reviewed spring quarter. You will be notified of the Club Sports Staff’s decision by the end of spring quarter. If approved, your Club may begin operating as a Club Sport the following fall. By filling out this application, you demonstrate that you understand and accept these terms and conditions.
Complete Applications are due Friday, prior to Spring Break.
All Application materials are Google Docs and Google Sheets and have "view access" to email addresses. In order to complete your Application, you will need to:
- Make a copy of the Application Google Doc and supporting Google Docs linked within the Application and add them to your personal Google Drive.
- Rename the Google Docs in your team name and edit/complete the Google Docs and supporting Google Docs and Google Sheets.
- Email the Assistant Director for Club Sports Kathryn Hutchings at and with a link to a Google Folder where you saved all your completed Google Docs and Google Sheets re-share edit access of the Google Folder. The Google Docs and Google Sheets within the folder should be accessible by Kathryn with edit access.
Please email the Assistant Director for Club Sports if you have any questions about the Application process.