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Registration, Free Agents, and Refunds

Sign Ups

The Intramural Sports Program utilizes IMLeagues to manage registration, schedules, and more! 

All who would like to play Intramural Sports will be required to have an account on When you create an account it will prompt for you to register your ID (ID number on your Access Credential), for IMLeagues your ID number is one of the following:

  1. Four zeros or a W that is followed by a series of numbers. For IMLeagues you only put the series numbers. Or...
  2. Your ID looks something like 07700000123, in which you will not type the first zero, and will start from the 7 in this example.

Please go to IMLeagues website in order to create a new account.

From there, you will be able to join a team, create a team, view your schedule, view your personal statistics, and so much more! 


Intramurals are open to all current students and benefits eligible faculty and staff. 

Those not enrolled in classes are not eligible to participate in intramurals regardless of reason for not taking classes. Winter Quarter Graduates can participate as long as they have purchased their Winter Quarter Graduate Malley Membership(Spring Quarter Only).

Alumni and gym membership holders are NOT eligible to participate in intramurals.

How To Register Your Team

All entries are taken on a first come, first serve basis. At completion of sign up, you will be required to pay the $40 deposit fee (tournaments are a cheaper deposit fee), as well as have the minimum number of players added to your roster. Registration is not complete until you have paid this fee. For rules on Deposits, see "REFUND POLICIES" below.

All teams will be entered into a "waitlist" division upon being created, as soon as your team has paid and has met the minimum required number of people, you will be given the option to choose which league you would like to play in. In order to ensure that your team plays when they are able to, make sure to get your team signed up early!

Note: Participants who play in Division I may also participate in Division II, provided that their Division II team roster does not exceed 50% of any Division I team.

When you register online, you must select a division, and the day on which you/your team wants to play. If a league is full you will need to select another open league to play in.

For more detailed instructions on how to create an account, view a schedule, or create a team, please reference this how to document:

Participant How To's

Refund Policies

For Traditional Sport Offerings (in-person league), each Team Captain pays a $40 per team (or player if it is an individual sport) deposit when registering a team to participate in an Intramural Sports League.

Teams/players that do not notify the Student Coordinator Office (408) 551-7183 or 48 hours in advance of scheduled game will forfeit and lose their deposit.

If a team/player does not forfeit during the entire season including playoffs, they are eligible to receive a full refund for the IM Deposit. In order to receive the refund the Captain who paid the deposit will need to fill out a Refund Request Form to have their deposit returned. All refunds need to be requested within 180 days of the initial deposit, or the last day of class Spring Quarter, whichever comes first. Ex.) A Winter deposit refund will need to be requested within 180 days, while a Spring deposit will need to be requested by the last day of academic classes.

Captains and Participants Quiz

In addition, after signing up, all Captains and Participants MUST complete the mandatory quiz for each sport signed up to play. The quiz will automatically pop up when you sign up in IMLeagues. Attached to the Captain's quiz will be a Captain's PowerPoint with general program information as well as sport specific rules.

If you have any questions or issues, feel free to ask 

Captains who do not complete their quizzes may also lose their IM Deposit and may not eligible to request a refund.

Looking for a team to join? Check out the Free Agent option within IMLeagues!

As a Free Agent, you can join a team at any point during the regular season, although getting connected early helps out a lot.

Please use your IMLeagues account to sign up as a Free Agent. Signing up as a free agent on IMLeagues is easy!

  • From your home page, simply click "Find a Team"
  • Choose which sport and division you'd like to play in.
  • In the top right corner, click "Join as a Free Agent," follow the prompts and you are all set!

Free Agents

Even after signing up as a Free Agent via IMLeagues, if you are having trouble finding a team, we recommend asking your classmates, friends, and dormmates first! Or if you are still unable to find anyone, please email us and we will try our best to find a fit for you. 

Additionally, we will be having tabling sessions in Malley for those interested in joining as a free agent to sign up on a paper sheet with contact information and availability, this way we can help with the team creation process for free agents. 

Register Online Now