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SmartPrint Print Center: Uploading Files to Print

Print Center has the capability to upload a file to the SmartPrint print system.

There are no drivers or software to install on your computer. Any computer or laptop with a web browser can upload files. If you have one of the compatible file types, you can upload and print it.

Compatible File Types:
PDF file
Microsoft Word file (.doc, .docx, .dot)
Microsoft Excel file (.xls, .xlt, .xlsx, .xltx, .xlsm, .xltm)
Microsoft PowerPoint file (.ppt, .pptx, .pptm, .pot, .pps, .potx, .ppsx)
Microsoft Visio file (.vsd, .vss, .vst, .vdx, .vsx, .vtx, .vdw)
Microsoft Outlook file (.msg, .eml)
Open Office document (.odt, .ods, .ott, .odp, .odg, .odf)
 *tested with OpenOffice 4.0 only
image file (.bmp, .jpg, .gif, .tif, .png)
Rich Text File (.rtf)
Plain Text file (.txt, .csv, .ini, .cfg)

Login to the SmartPrint Print Center. Click on the Upload icon on the top toolbar. You will be asked to browse your computer and select a file to upload. Make sure the file is one of the compatible types.

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Once the file is selected and uploaded, it will appear in the list of files to be printed. Next to the file name will be a red message saying it is "processing..." When the file is ready to print, the "processing" message will disappear. You may click on the Refresh icon if the "processing" message is taking a long time to disappear. In this example, the file https.pdf was uploaded. When the file is ready to print, go to a release station, swipe your ACCESS card and release the print job. You may also release the print job within SmartPrint Print Center.

Print Center uploaded PDF status screen showing file names and details.

If you attempt to upload an incompatible file type, an error message will be displayed.

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