Director of Business Services
Position Description:
- Leads a team that provides customer service for all campus maintenance requests.
Direct Responsibilities:
- Providing materials and managing the Facilities stockroom.
- Supporting the systems and technology used by the University Operations groups across campus.
- Providing administrative support for all capital projects.
Hired in 2005
Get To Know David:
What/where is home?
I grew up in New Jersey and most of my family is there but I moved to San Jose in 1991 and consider it home.
Can you roll your R’s?
Yes, I thought everybody could.
When you tie your shoes, do you use one bunny ear or two?
One loop, I did not get the bunny ear instructions as a kid but I had to check before answering.
What is your favorite jellybean flavor?
I have not had a jellybean recently. I would pick a fruit flavor like strawberry.
Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I prefer sunsets. To me, a sunset lasts longer than a sunrise.
How long do you think you could Hula Hoop for?
I think could keep it going for 1-2 minutes. Last summer my daughter and I met an adult group at a local park that meet monthly and showed us how to hula hoop. She has one and practices but I learned and could keep it going. The trick I learned is feet shoulder width with one foot in front of the other not side by side.
Phone: (408) 554-5293