Making a List
Use the List Item content type to build a list when your content is not generated by the Story, Profile or another list-generating source. The list items are formatted using the same styles applied to the story list; a heading, summary text block, and optional thumbnail image and link. If an image is provided, you can add a circular format to that.
The List Item will display in both the two-column (Main) area of the page, and in the one-column areas and the Grid Layout. You also have the option to have the link open in a new window or tab.
- Numbered list, styled with a larger font size. (as shown here)
- Image, Heading, Subheading, Summary text, Round image style, and a Link are all provided.
- No Thumbnail image, just a link and the Heading, Subheading. and Summary text.
- Image, Heading, and/or Summary, but no Link.
In the example above, a numbered list (or "ol" ordered list) is entered in the Summary text field for the list item, and a heading is provided. Then we've checked the "Styled list" option for the list item.
- SubheadingHeading and Link
Provide a short description in the Summary text field. In this example, the "round image style" optin is set for the image.
Optional subheading
List item without an image
The List Item content type uses the same styles available in the Story Display's list options. If an image isn't provided, the heading and summary text will span the full width of the column.
List item without a link
A link isn't required for a list item. As shown in this example, if no link is provided the heading text will be displayed in the standard color.
List items get a modified display when positioned in a Grid Layout. The image is slightly larger than the conventional single-column presentation, and the font style is modified. The Grid list item display matches the presentation used in the Person Spotlight content type's single-column presentation. The example above shows two grid-positioned list items, and below we have two single-column items with standard formatting.
- SubheadingHeading and Link
Provide a short description in the Summary text field. In this example, the "round image style" optin is set for the image.
- SubheadingList item without a link
A link isn't required for a list item. As shown in this example, if no link is provided the heading text will be displayed in the standard color.