Connecting the Dots
During her time on campus, Natalia Cantu ’24 explored the different worlds of English and Biology.
By Shantala Jennings ’27
Senior Natalia Cantu strives to follow both her passions in English and Biology. She initially faced challenges to choose a major, but with the support of SCU, she realized that she could use both of these fields of study for her future academic work and professional endeavors.
Natalia has taken part in many organizations and activities on campus. In addition to being a part of Hermanas Unidas and the Latine Student Union, she is currently the Vice President of Santa Clara’s Honors Program, a member of the English Honor Society, and a Writing Partner at the HUB. She is a Canterbury Scholar through the English Department, where she is working on a project titled "The Labyrinth of Mexicanness, Identity, and Memoir in Latinx Literature,'' and is a Student Fellow in the Center for the Arts and Humanities where she is involved with a project titled "Digital Finding Tools for the Tenacious Box Set of Zines." Additionally, she received a REAL Award for her work on "Everybody Writes: Implementing Studies in English to Support SCU's Science Writers."
Outside of her campus involvement, Natalia has been studying cerebellar plasticity during motor learning at Stanford’s Raymond Lab and will continue her research there after graduating. She intends to use her education and skills to pursue a career in biotechnology and potentially pursue graduate study.
Find out more about her go-to SCU classes and dining spots!
Which course do you believe had the most impact on you and your perspective on different topics?
I have taken so many amazing courses here at SCU! One that stands out is definitely Life Writing with Dr. Velasco-Moreno. I took this during my senior year at SCU and recommend it to almost everyone. Before this class, I had never written about myself creatively and I can definitively say that this class helped me find my voice.
Another class I recommend is CS10: Introduction to Computer Science with Professor Shaghaghi. Although I didn’t end up pursuing computer science, SCU’s core class requirements allowed me to explore various interests, and ultimately meet Professor Shaghaghi (one of my favorite professors I have ever had). I recommend taking this class or really any class with him!
Additionally, I am currently taking BIOL 134: California Plant Diversity with Dr. Whittall, and can undoubtedly say that this is one of the best classes to take during your senior year. Not only are the field trips off-campus some of the most beautiful places I have seen, Dr. Whittall's profound expertise in plants and nature provides a transformative perspective and outlook on the world around us.
What’s your favorite place to eat on or around campus?
There are so many good places around SCU. However, without fail, my roommate and I manage to go to Luna Mexican Kitchen almost every weekend for breakfast. If you go, make sure to order the chilaquiles and cafe de la olla.
Additionally, I love going to Home Kitchen Vietnamese Cuisine in downtown Santa Clara. It is within walking distance from campus and I would often frequent there when I was living in Walsh.