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Department ofModern Languages and Literatures

Students share why they studied languages

Michele Canny '19, Italian Major

I knew I wanted to study abroad in Italy and so majoring in the Italian language taught me not only how to communicate with Italians but also gave me insight into Italian culture and current events.

Major: Italian
Nonprofit sector and Fulbright Researcher in Italy

I knew I wanted to study abroad in Italy and so majoring in the Italian language taught me not only how to communicate with Italians but also gave me insight into Italian culture and current events. 

I graduated three years ago, but I am happy to report that majoring in Italian has led me to receive a Fulbright in Italy starting this fall. 

The Italian department has a wonderful support system. From my experience, the professors were patient, kind, and encouraging. Learning a new language is not an easy task, but I gained so much from the experience that I would encourage anyone to take a language as a minor/major. 

I currently work for a nonprofit that doesn't exactly have any use of my Italian language skills but I will be beginning a Fulbright research position in Italy this fall and will use my knowledge of the language, culture, and current issues to guide me throughout my project.
