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Department ofModern Languages and Literatures


Marie Bertola, Mia Locatelli, Evelyn Ferraro

Marie Bertola, Mia Locatelli, Evelyn Ferraro

Mia Locatelli ‘24 and Mia Kanter ‘24 presented posters at the Family Weekend

Modern Languages and Literatures students showcase their work on the intersections of identities, arts and cultures

At the Family Weekend Showcase on February 23, 2024, Communication and Italian Studies double-major, Mia Locatelli ‘24 presented her research on Italian Immigration to the US, with an emphasis on Italian-American identities and experiences in her native town of Santa Cruz (CA), from World War II to the present day. Additionally, she presented her translation of an interview with African-Italian author, Kossi Komla Ebri. Throughout the projects she was mentored by Professors Evelyn Ferraro and Marie Bertola. Following graduation, she plans to travel, and she looks forward to living and working in Italy where she will be immersed in the Italian language and culture.

Mia Kanter
Mia Kanter

Mia Kanter ‘24 also presented at the Showcase. She shared her original choreography “Je mourrais pour toi mon amour”, which captures through dance the intense introspection and the extremes to which we will desperately go to make a relationship work. A Double Major in Theater & Dance and French & Francophone Studies, Mia’s work brings together her feeling of dance and language as two complementary forms of expression.

