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Department ofPhysics

Omid Ahmadi-Gorgi

Omid Ahmadi-Gorgi

Senior Instructor and Instructional Facilities Manager

Omid Ahmadi received his Ph.D. from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2011, where he researched HiTc superconductors and the role of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations as the pairing glue mechanism in cuprates, along with the computational analysis of tunnel junctions, ARPES, and inelastic neutron scattering experiments. His current interests involve many-body physics, lab development, and physics pedagogy.

  • O. Ahmadi, L. Coffey, J. F. Zasadzinski, N. Miyakawa, and L. Ozyuzer. Eliashberg analysis of tunneling experiments: Support for the pairing glue hypothesis in cuprate superconductors. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106:167005, Apr 2011.