PI: Tom Plante
I am currently conducting research on the psychological and physical health benefits of spiritual practices (e.g., the Examen, centering prayer) and virtues (e.g., compassion, ethics). Additionally, I do research on issues related to psychological evaluations of Catholic and Episcopal clerics and clerical applicants. You might check my web page for details (www.scu.edu/tplante) as well our SCU Applied Spirituality Institute that I direct (www.scu.edu/asi). If you might be interested in these topics for potential research projects, send me an email (tplante@scu.edu). Having taken Psyc 114 (Ethics in Psychology), Psyc 115 (Health Psychology), or especially Psyc 193 (Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) would be helpful but not necessary.
Most recent lab student related publications:
Buenrostro, C. M., & Plante, T. G. (2024). A clinical trial of the Examen and mindfulness within a secular substance use disorder treatment program. The Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 45, 36-54.
Plante, T., & Peng, E. (2023). Use of the MMPI-3 with Catholic and Episcopal seminary and religious life applicants. Pastoral Psychology.
Rader, C., & Plante, T. G. (2024). Potential benefits of the Examen for psychological health and well-being: A pilot study. Pastoral Psychology. (75), 63-72.
Eros, A., & Plante. T. G. (2023). The effects of centering prayer on well-being in a sample of undergraduate students: A pilot study. Pastoral Psychology. 72(5), 711-727.