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Department ofPsychology


Susanna Raj

Last spring, senior Susanna Raj had an art exhibition that combined her two majors and passions: psychology and art. Her work explores “the essence of a moment, the intensity of an emotion, the dignity of a way of life, or the impermanence of a state of mind.”

Susanna writes about her own art: “As someone interested in the cognitive science, I learned that perception of life, the very consciousness that I rely upon to define my world, is a construct of my brain, prone to distortion from external stimuli.”

We hope you find her art as beautiful and inspiring as we do!

Susanna is currently interning at Intel on Human Behavior modelling for Artificial Intelligence Training.

Tops down Bottoms up processing
Tops down Bottoms up processing


Primacy Recency u-curve
Primacy Recency u-curve

Long Term Short Term memory

psycstudentstory, psycalumnistory